Culture and Diversity CMAS Resources

Supporting The Settlement Of Young Immigrant Children And Their Families, by Julie Dotsch is now available online!

Do you work with newcomer children and families? Having newcomer children in your care can present unique challenges, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to learn, grow and have a lasting impact on  children’s lives. In her book, Supporting The Settlement Of Young Immigrant Children And Their Families, child care and diversity expert Julie Dotsch shares strategies and ideas from caregivers working in the field of newcomer child care, and builds on caregivers’ professionalism, knowledge and experience to provide a greater understanding of the new immigrant and refugee experience from a child’s and family’s perspective. Now you can download your own copy of Supporting The Settlement Of Young Immigrant Children And Their Families in PDF format!

New Online Tutorial- Understanding Children’s Settlement: The Basics

International research shows that young immigrant and refugee children experience settlement needs in five key areas. To build responsive programs for newcomer children, CNC staff need to understand these unique needs and how they can help. Understanding Children’s Settlement: The Basics is a 15-minute tutorial that describes each settlement need and strategies you can use in your program. It will also give you tips on how you can tell if a child is settling successfully! At the end of the tutorial, you’ll also find suggested resources, a facilitator guide and added group discussion questions so that you can easily facilitate your own team training.

Supporting The Settlement Of Young Immigrant Children And Their Families, by Julie Dotsch is now available online!

Written by child care and diversity expert Julie Dotsch, with strategies and ideas from caregivers working in the field of newcomer child care, "Supporting the Settlement of Young Immigrant Children & their Families" builds on caregivers’ professionalism, knowledge and experience to provide a greater understanding of the new immigrant and refugee experience from a child’s and family’s perspective.

A Blueprint for Supporting Emergent Bilinguals in Your Program: Roma Chumak-Horbatsch’s Linguistically Appropriate Practice

At one time or another, all child care professionals in Canada—whether in a newcomer-focused program or not—will likely look after non-English speaking children. Read More

Creating a Welcoming Program for Newcomer Children

After the trauma of fleeing their home country, refugee families need safe and stable environments. To create this kind of “safe haven”, programs can develop a space where children can hear English but are not pushed to use it, and where they can observe activities and are encouraged to join in but are not required to. Learn about the many other things you can do to reduce stress and help ease this difficult transition for families.

Making Room for Diversity in Your Program: Q&A with Valerie Rhomberg

When you walk into a program that cares for newcomer children, it is common to see multiple cultures and languages represented in the physical child care environment, as well as through the people in it: the staff, the children and their families. Multiculturalism is supported and embraced in countless ways. But what about diversity? Isn’t it just another word for multiculturalism? Not necessarily, according to Valerie Rhomberg, Manager of Academic Programs at Mothercraft College and co-author of "The Affective Curriculum: Teaching the Anti-bias Approach to Young Children". Read More

Incorporating Diversity – Julie Dotsch

Diversity refers to all the ways that humans are unique. It influences many things, including how we judge others, how society values individuals and the outcomes individuals will have in life. Julie Dotsch, an ECE Diversity consultant for One World, explores ways to incorporate diversity in your program. Read More

Welcoming Newcomer Children with Judith Colbert

Judith A. Colbert, PhD is an experienced writer, researcher and training specialist. She is the principle author of both the National LINC Childminding Requirements and Occasional Child Care Requirements. As an early care and education consultant with an international perspective, her goal is to build bridges between research and practice, mainstream and newcomer experiences. Read More

Culture Shock – Julie Dotsch

Culture shock is a reaction to the many changes involved in exposure to a new culture. Children exhibit culture shock in various ways, from physical and emotional signs to cognitive and social indicators. Julie Dotsch, an ECE Diversity consultant for One World, discusses culture shock, including the connection with separation anxiety, signs, influencing factors and stages. Read More

Understanding Separation Anxiety – Julie Dotsch

It is important for children to form firm attachments with their parents; however, a child’s ability to gradually separate from their parent is an important milestone. When the separation is handled well, it builds the child’s confidence, helps them with future separations, assists them in forming trusting relationships and builds trust between the parent and child. Julie Dotsch, an ECE Diversity consultant for One World, shares signs of separation anxiety and how to deal with them.Read More