Resolving Conflict at Work with Karen Minty
Webinar length: 62 minutes
Publish Date: December 2020
Do you know how different personality styles behave under stress? How does your team resolve conflict under stressful situations? Karen Minty explains the basic needs of each personality style, and appropriate strategies to deal with difficult behaviour to quickly diffuse situations and prevent further conflict in this Resolving Conflict at Work webinar.
Sharing Ideas for Remote Parent Support: Session 3
Webinar length: 60 minutes
Publish Date: April 2020
Now, you can join Kelly Wood from JIAS, and Lucia Lo from CICS to hear their ideas for supporting children and families remotely. The webinar recording is now available for anyone who missed it!
Sharing Ideas for Remote Parent Support: Session 2
Webinar length: 60 minutes
Publish Date: April 2020
This is the second of a three-part series of webinars on Sharing Ideas for Remote Parent Support. In this session, participants join Shazia Ahmed from WEST of Windsor, and Ann Hutchings from Graybridge Malkam to hear their ideas for supporting children and families remotely. The webinar recording is now available for anyone who missed it!
Sharing Ideas for Remote Parent Support: Session 1
Webinar length: 60 minutes
Publish Date: April 2020
Now, you can join Kym Bottomley, Childcare Coordinator at Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network in Winnipeg Manitoba, and Vicki Noland, Children and Youth Service Program Leader at South Essex Community Council from Leamington Ontario to hear their ideas for supporting children and families remotely. The webinar recording is now available for anyone who missed it!
Identifying Personality Styles on Your Team to Improve Communication with Karen Minty
Webinar length: 59 minutes
Publish Date: March 2020
Do you know about the four different personality styles and how each one is different when it comes to communication? In this webinar, Karen Minty explains the motivators, fears and core beliefs for each personality style, and leaves participants better equipped to communicate, encourage, motivate and inspire their teams to achieve their goals! Once you have completed this webinar, we invite you to complete this evaluation, which will help with the development of future webinars. Watch the webinar…
Parent Orientations Webinar
Webinar length: 56 minutes
Publish Date: January 2020
A good parent orientation sets the stage for a smooth transition for newcomer families, but not every CNC team knows how to do it well. In this webinar, you have the opportunity to hear directly from three experienced CNC administrators. They share their unique perspectives, promising practices and strategies that they find helpful when it comes to CNC parent orientations. In response to participant requests, Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services has also shared their Sample Visual Parent Orientation Form. Once you have completed this webinar, we invite you to complete this evaluation, which will help with the development of future webinars. Watch the webinar…
Understanding Child Abuse and Your Duty to Report
e-course length: 62 minutes
Publish Date: January 2020
Canada takes the protection of children very seriously. Each year thousands of children are subjected to abuse while in the care of their families. All of us who work with families need to understand our duty to report and role in protecting children. This includes knowing how to identify different types and indicators of abuse, cultural considerations, and steps to report and document suspected abuse–as well as strategies to support staff, parents, and children after a report has been made. Understanding Child Abuse and Your Duty to Report includes resources, helpful contact information, and links to legislation, as well as questions for reflection and/or discussion. English Version | French Version
Helping You Manage CNC Webinar: Developing Leadership Potential
Webinar length: 59 minutes
Publish Date: November 2019
9 Tips for Managing CNC: Sharing Promising Practices: Helping you Manage CNC
Webinar length: 53 minutes
Publish Date: January 2019
In this webinar, three experienced CNC administrators share tips for managing a successful team that includes both CNC and adult services! Special thanks to Chuck Dowdall from Kingston Literacy, Effat Ghassemi from Newcomer Centre of Peel, and Fitsum Getahun from Immigrant and Refugee Community Organizations of Manitoba for sharing their promising practices.
Once you have completed this webinar, we invite you to complete this evaluation, which will help with the development of future webinars. Watch the webinar...
PART 2 – What to look for in a child-centred CNC program: Helping you Manage CNC Webinar
Webinar length: 56 minutes
Publish Date: May 2019
In this webinar, presented by Ryerson/George Brown professor, Rachel Brophy, CNC Administrators have the opportunity to learn more about what to look for in their child-centred CNC program, the power of conversation, and what it means to be a child-centred administrator. There’s also a helpful tool for CNC administrators that includes an observation checklist and a list of conversation starters for discussions around CNC curriculum! Watch the webinar recording, download the ppt and What to look for in a child-centered program: A helpful tool for CNC Administrators now!
PART 1 – What to look for in a child-centred CNC program: Helping you Manage CNC
Webinar length: 56 minutes
Publish Date: November 2018
In this webinar, presented by Ryerson/George Brown professor, Rachel Brophy, CNC Administrators have the opportunity to learn about child-centred care, and what to look for in their CNC program to ensure that newcomer children and parents are receiving the quality care and support they need. There’s also a helpful checklist for CNC administrators t! Once you have completed this webinar, we invite you to complete this evaluation, which will help with the development of future webinars. Watch the webinar...
The Importance of Early Identification for Newcomer Children with Special Needs–Helping you Manage CNC
Webinar length: 55 minutes
Publish Date: October 2018
CNC programs are often one of the first points of contact for families who are new to Canada, and they can play an important role in getting support for newcomer children with special needs. In this webinar, presented by Sasha Delgado and Maria Velasquez, from Macaulay Child Development Centre, CNC Administrators will have the opportunity to learn about why early identification and support for newcomer children with special needs is so important, and discuss strategies for how SPOs can help better children with special needs and their families. Once you have completed this webinar, we invite you to complete this evaluation, which will help with the development of future webinars. Watch the webinar..
For more information on well-child visits and schedules, please visit Caring for Kids.
Vicarious Trauma: When Compassion Overwhelms
Helping you Manage CNC
Webinar length: 51 minutes
Publish Date: February 2018
Managers and organizations play a critical role in preventing and responding to vicarious trauma and burnout. Vicarious trauma, or compassion fatigue, results from witnessing or responding to the pain and suffering of people who we come into contact with. As a result, our ability to help becomes compromised and the helper is in danger of experiencing a trauma response. In this webinar recording for CNC administrators and SDRs, Greg Lubimiv, author of When Compassion Hurts: Burnout, Vicarious Trauma and Secondary Trauma in Prenatal and Early Childhood Service Providers describes; what vicarious trauma is and how it is different from burnout, risk factors and how to identify signs and symptoms of vicarious trauma, and preventive measures organizations and managers can take to provide a protective and supportive environment for their staff.
Once you have completed the webinar, we invite you to complete this evaluation, which will help with the development of future webinars.
Managing Risk: Supervision of Children
Tutorial length: 12 minutes
Publish Date: January 2018
Most serious occurrences and injuries are predictable and preventable, but when supervision strategies break down, children can be at risk. We know that children must be supervised at all times, but what does that actually mean? Managing Risk: Supervision of Children provides a list of common mistakes and risks to consider when developing or reviewing your policies and procedures, checklists, tools and strategies for keeping the children in your care safe. At the end of the tutorial, you’ll also find resources, references, a facilitator guide and added group discussion questions so that you can easily facilitate your own team training.