
WEBINAR: Co-Regulation or Compliance? Supporting the use of co-regulation strategies with children

Early childhood teachers are expert problem solvers. But often, they issue many instructions and demand compliance, missing the big opportunities to build regulation skills with children. This paradigm-shifting webinar will shed light on how you can play a pivotal role in shaping children's emotional well-being, and explore the transformative power of co-regulation.

Why Heritage Language is Important for Children’s Development & Learning

This Immigration Initiative at Harvard Educator Brief explains how important it is to preserve heritage languages for children’s academic outcomes, cognitive development, and social-emotional well-being. It also provides tips for working with families and communities to nurture children’s heritage language skills.

Pausing to Reflect on Biases

If we look hard enough in the mirror, we will see that we are all biased. I am biased. You are biased. And these biases affect how we interact with others, form judgments, and develop societal attitudes. Personal biases can be implicit (unconscious) or explicit (conscious), and at times, they are easily spotted, while other times, they show subtly in our decisions or interactions with others. Either way, as early childhood leaders, it is essential to pause and reflect on our own biases and help staff understand the importance of reflecting on their biases.

Heatstroke Prevention Safety Tips

Did you know that heatstroke can be deadly and requires immediate medical attention? An average of 38 children die each year in hot cars, so it's important to be prepared and take action. This Heatstroke Prevention Safety Tips poster can help.  

Fun No-Equipment Outdoor Game Ideas

Here are some tried-and-true outdoor game ideas that don't require any equipment. The list includes traditional games, fun variations on old-time favourites, and some new activities. Whether you’re looking for outdoor games for a big group or just a few, this list is a great go-to guide for fun active outdoor games that you can set up on the spur of the moment, no gear or equipment necessary!

Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool

This cultural humility self-reflection tool has been designed to help Ontario school staff to explore, and then reflect upon, their individual cultural humility, but it's relevant to our work too! It prompts us to consider our skills, knowledge and self-awareness when supporting children and engaging with parents/caregivers and colleagues who don’t share our culture and identities. Reflecting deeply on our own personal values, beliefs and biases is an important step towards providing supporting and inclusive care for diverse families. When you enter the relationship with cultural humility, you can engage in more authentic interactions that promote better mental health and a sense of belonging for the children in our care.

Multicultural Principles for Early Childhood Leaders

The 2023 edition of Multicultural Principles for Early Childhood Leaders builds on growing research about how race, ethnicity, ability, gender, and socio-economic status influence young children’s learning. The resource is organized into three action categories: Explore, Nurture, and Grow. Each principle describes intercultural approaches that promote respect, understanding, and effective communication leading to meaningful and cooperative relationships - which can move us beyond the acknowledgement of diverse cultures to proactive practices!

No Backyard, No Problem… Families Can Bring the Outside In!

No backyard? No problem! If the only outdoor space families have access to is a balcony or concrete patio, they can still access nature and its healing powers by bringing it indoors through crafts, gardening, books, and online resources. Here's a list you can share with parents, full of fun and simple nature-themed ways for children to stay curious about the natural world indoors.

June 1 is Global Day of Parents!

Each year on June 1, Global Day of Parents provides an opportunity to appreciate parents for their selfless commitment to their children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship. Find resources and learn more about Global Day of Parents here.

Immigration Initiative at Harvard

The Immigration Initiative at Harvard is an online space for scholars, students, policy makers, community leaders, and practitioners, with the goal of translating evidence-based research into promising practices. Be sure to check out their series of resources for educators.