Culture and Diversity CMAS Resources

Integrating Newcomer Children: A Compassionate Approach with Julie Dotsch

Anyone who participated in the “Culture Shock in Preschool Children” workshop at last year’s Ontario Professional Development Conference for LINC Caregivers could see that Julie Dotsch is a true visionary in the Caring for Newcomer Children field. Read More

Dual Language Learning or Speech Delay?

When a child in your program is taking longer than expected to speak English, or when a child is non-verbal even in their home language, it’s natural to feel concerned. Referring a child for help may be necessary, but before you do so there are some important things to keep in mind, and some strategies you can try. This tip sheet is available in English and French.

Encouraging Parents to Use the Child’s Home Language

While children are learning English in your Care for Newcomer Children program, it’s important that you encourage parents to continue using the child’s native language at home. There are many benefits to doing so, which include improved fluency in both the native language and in English, strengthened family bonds and more. This tip sheet is available in English and French.

Inclusion: What Does It Mean in Care for Newcomer Children?

In Care for Newcomer Children (CNC), inclusion means that children can attend and benefit from the same program regardless of their diverse abilities. Inclusion removes barriers in order to allow all children—regardless of race, background or special needs—to fully participate. It requires full collaboration between administrators, CNC staff, families and specialists to ensure that the needs of all children are met. Find out more in this tip sheet, available in English and French.

Managing Separation Anxiety in Infant Care

One of the main goals in the infant program is to establish a sense of trust between one primary care staff and a maximum of three infants. Consequently, the way separation anxiety is handled is very important. A strong emotional bond is essential for early learning. This tip sheet is available in English and French.