- “The Change Train” (2013)
- Linguistically Appropriate Practice (2013)
- CMAS Podcasts: CNCR Changes Since the 2012 Conference Presented by Susan Hoo & Tricia Doyle (2013)
- Loose Parts (2013)
- Care for Newcomer Children: A New Type of Child Care Support (CNC Staff) (2013)
- Care for Newcomer Children: A New Type of Child Care Support (Administrators) (2013)
- 1 in 100: Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows (2012)
- Terrific Toddlers (2012)
- Mentoring for Personal and Professional Growth (2012)
- Meeting the Distinctive Needs of Newcomer Children in Childminding Settings (2012)
- Art Activities For All Learners (2011)
- Great School Age Resources: Quick Tip Video (2011)
- Great and Sustainable First Impressions (2011)
- Welcoming Refugee Families (2011)
- Bringing Children’s Stories to Life (2011)
- Block Play Workshop (2011)
- CMAS 2009 Conference Highlights (2009)