A different country with different customs, foods and clothing.
A different language.
A first experience in child care.
Faced with so much change, immigrant and refugee children need to be supported in their development as they settle—especially in the social and emotional areas.
Not speaking the classroom language can be an added challenge…as can be keeping their home language. Research shows that there are many benefits to dual language learning, and that home language affects a child’s personal, social, linguistic and cognitive progression.
In childcare programs, it is important to recognize and plan for all these aspects of growth.
Explore information, resources and program ideas to encourage the cognitive, social, emotional and language development of newcomer children:
CMAS Resources
- WEBINAR: Nurturing Responsive Care for Infants & Toddlers
- Newcomer Parent Resource Series: Available in 16 Languages
- CMAS Webinar: Supporting Newcomer Children through Active Play–Teaming up with Active for Life!
- Tips for helping refugee children understand and manage big feelings and challenging behaviours
Resources published by CMAS on the subject of fostering the development of immigrant children in your care
External Resources
External publications and helpful links available through the CMAS website that deal with child development