News Item

New Online Tutorial: Stages & Strategies for Language Learning in Newcomer Children

Learning a language is a complex process that is experienced differently by every child. But whether you’re supporting dual language learners, single, second or even multiple language learners in your program, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how language learning happens. In the Stages & Strategies for Language Learning in Newcomer Children tutorial, you’ll learn about the four stages of language learning and what to expect as children move through each phase. You’ll also find practical strategies that you can use to support children during each stage. At the end of the tutorial, there are resources, references, a facilitator guide and added group discussion questions so that you can easily facilitate your own team training.

Celebrating Diversity In Preschool

As early childhood programs become more culturally diverse, many educators are wondering how they can teach about diversity in the early years. In this HiMama preschool podcast, Jordana Shakoor talks about shifting perspectives on diversity and how diversity is an exciting learning experience for both children and teachers. She talks about how genuine curiosity when learning about new cultures makes celebrating cultural differences a more natural process.

Playful Learning Spaces for Babies and Toddlers

Creating engaging , welcoming and playful learning spaces for babies and toddlers is just as important as setting up environments for older children. Yet sometimes this is easier said than done and we struggle to find the right balance between offering an environment that is developmentally appropriate and yet still allows for both security and basic caregiving needs to be met alongside the freedom of exploration as they challenge and extend upon new skills. Find out more about why designing a playful learning space for babies and toddler is so important here!

What’s Behind Separation Anxiety

Handling separation anxiety isn’t only about managing an individual child, it is also about working with their parents through it all and creating a safe and welcoming environment. It also helps to understand what's behind separation anxiety for different age groups, and strategies to help!

15 Tips for Creating Invitations To Play

Invitations to play are really just a collection of materials set up with some thought and creativity to invite children to explore, investigate, and PLAY. The goal is to create invitations that allow children to direct their own play - by giving them access to open ended materials that encourage investigation, further exploration of current interests, curiosity and imagination. It's about being intentional in your teaching but keeping it simple, hands on, child led and above all fun!

Child Guidance Video Series

As you get into the swing of things this fall, here's a fantastic video series that's full of important information and reminders for your team on Children's Behaviour, Prevention, Intervention and Limits

Government of Canada implements new regulations for corded window coverings

The Government of Canada is committed to providing consumer products that are safe, and to protecting children from harm. Health Canada has published the new Corded Window Coverings Regulations to restrict the length of cords and the size of loops allowed on window coverings sold in Canada, to avoid the possibility of their getting wrapped around a child's neck. The new regulations will come into force on May 1, 2021.

How to Plan & Observe: Play Ideas for Babies & Toddlers

To plan effectively for the 0-2 Years age group takes a little thinking outside the box. Here, you'll find ideas for planning play experiences and programming for babies and toddlers that are not only easier and faster, but also more meaningful and effective for the children and educators.

New Online Tutorial: 10 Simple Ways to Encourage Language in Newcomer Children

How you integrate and support language learning in your program can make all the difference to how children embrace the process. It can also impact how families view the learning of English, and how they appreciate and see the importance of their maintaining their home language. In this tutorial, we look at 10 Simple Ways to Encourage Language in Newcomer Children - and hopefully remind you of all the powerful little things you do each day to support language and learning in your program!

WEBINAR: “The Difference We Make”- How Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood are Critical

This webinar is a reflection and discussion of what it means to make a difference in today’s early care and education contexts. It's an opportunity for participants to explore what enhances or limits our ability to recognize the impact we make, and how we can support our team in making a positive impact on children and families.