Programs and Activities External Resources

Math All Day: 14 Ways to Teach Young Children Math Skills During Daily Routines

Getting young children ready for long-term math success requires more than a great preschool teacher. For young children, developing a strong foundation of basic math concepts is easier when their families join in too, finding fun and creative ways to slip little math-related lessons and challenges into everyday activities. Here are some specific ideas for infusing math into a typical day’s schedule with a young child.

Building Responsive Relationships Remotely

Science tells us that responsive relationships—like those with serve and return interactions—between children and adults, adults and other adults, and children and other children help buffer us against the effects of ongoing stress. These relationships act as a core building block for resilience and help us navigate life’s ups and downs. How do we maintain and promote responsive relationships during the coronavirus pandemic? Harvard Centre on the Developing Child reached out to care providers and others on the frontline of the early childhood development field to learn how they are building relationships with families from afar. Here are their tips for navigating remote interactions with children and families during this unusual time.

How will you honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th?

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, the federal government passed legislation in June recognizing September 30, 2021, as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We encourage all CNC community members to reflect on this important milestone and consider how they can acknowledge and honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with their CNC programs, communities and families. Read more.

11 Simple Ways to Teach Kids Peace

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on the 21st of September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. As we heal from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are inspired to think creatively and collectively about how to help everyone recover better, how to build resilience, and how to transform our world into one that is more equal, more just, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and healthier for our children. Here are 11 simple ideas for activities and songs you can use to help bring peace into your CNC program this month.

Gross Motor Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers

During the early years, children need to be exposed to many activities that strengthen their large motor muscles. As babies, it begins with their trunk, neck, and head control, and then they strengthen their legs and feet. As preschoolers, once body control is achieved, you can help them work on throwing, running, and climbing! It's important to intentionally integrate fun, physical activities that kids can do to strengthen these muscles into your program.  And since most gross motor activities center around physical fun, it won’t be hard to get the students excited about them! Here are some examples of ways to enjoy gross motor activities with children.

Increasing Opportunities for Free Play

Did you know that the United Nations has created a list of rights for every child around the world? And did you know that the right to play is included on that list along with the right to access water and food? In this newsletter, you'll find inspiration and ideas for creating more engaging play experiences in your program!


The definition of diversity is simply a range of different things. When children learn very early that differences are normal, they learn to view them without a lens of discomfort. Children naturally begin to pick up on differences, and you may hear questions about why their skin isn’t the same as another child’s, why someone needs to use a wheelchair, how people speak other languages, and more beginning around this age. Many parents and educators experience that initial moment of panic. How am I supposed to explain to a three-year-old about racism, poverty, and disability? The key is to keep it age appropriate, honest and simple.

WEBINAR: Wonder of Wonders! Harnessing the Wonder of Play through Provocations

From a very young age, children begin expressing their own unique views and ideas. Children are born with many strengths and abilities that continue to unfold and mature throughout their lives. When we respect and value a child’s individual interests in play, we are giving them the fundamental right to realize their unique potential. Children have the amazing capacity to construct their own learning. In this webinar, participants will learn about how we can harness this undeniable power and wonder of play in Play Provocations. They'll learn about what a play provocation is and how they can support and expand the hidden potential of children’s play!

Programming to Promote Multiculturalism and Diversity

Scholastic has compiled these tips from experts, ideas and ready-to-go activities to help you plan for your CNC program in a way that promotes multiculturalism and diversity.

Moving Upstream: Confronting Racism to Open Up Children’s Potential

The scientific evidence is clear and growing: racism imposes unique and substantial stressors on the daily lives of families raising young children of color. Understanding how these stressors affect child health and development provides a compelling framework for new ideas about how communities, policies, programs, and funding streams might confront and dismantle these inequities and build a stronger future for us all. This new brief discusses how racism creates conditions that harm the well-being of children and families, and the need to go “upstream” and create policy solutions to address the source of structural, cultural, and interpersonal forms of racism