Programs and Activities


CMAS is proud to present this recording of a special CNC film screening and panel discussion of the award-winning film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, with co-producers Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo, as well as featured teacher Nadia Janobeta. The film shifts the focus away from the talking heads of experts and on to the voices of teachers committed to equity and diversity on a daily basis. By taking viewers into diverse early childhood classrooms, the film seeks to demonstrate the importance of teacher reflection on identity, context, and practice in anti-bias education and provides a much-needed resource for teacher education and professional development. 

How to Use Books to Promote Diversity in Early Education Classrooms

Many educators struggle with how to introduce the topic of diversity and differences in a classroom. How do we manage to do this without making one child or any of our children feel singled out? How do we make diversity something that we celebrate and talk about instead of acting like we are all the same? How do we ensure that all our staff participates in the discussion? Books are a great way to introduce diversity in CNC.

6 Active Games Kids Can Play With a Pair of Socks

Are you looking for fun physical activities that kids can do at home? Here are 6 simple games with sock balls that kids can play indoors with limited space and “equipment”—including single-player games kids can enjoy even when a parent or sibling isn’t able to join them.

Free Picture Book Shares First-Time Experiences of Immigrant Children in Canada

New Canadians Centre in Peterborough has published a new children’s picture book that shares the experiences of immigrant children when they arrive in Canada - and it's available online in 7 languages! Written and illustrated by Peterborough artist Casandra Lee (herself a recent immigrant), Building A Home was inspired by the stories of six local newcomer children — including learning English, going to school, visiting large supermarkets, experiencing winter and snow, eating pizza, and more.

Gross Motor Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers

During the early years, children need to be exposed to many activities that strengthen their large motor muscles. As babies, it begins with their trunk, neck, and head control, and then they strengthen their legs and feet. As preschoolers, once body control is achieved, you can help them work on throwing, running, and climbing! It's important to intentionally integrate fun, physical activities that kids can do to strengthen these muscles into your program.  And since most gross motor activities center around physical fun, it won’t be hard to get the students excited about them! Here are some examples of ways to enjoy gross motor activities with children.

Shifting How We Manage Challenging Behaviours: Try Viewing Behaviour in a New Light

When you look at challenging behavior as an indication of the skills children still need to build, you can move from constantly reacting to behaviors to identifying missing skills and intentionally working with children to strengthen these skills. Here are a few different ways that we can look at challenging behaviors that might shed new light on what we see in our programs.

There’s plenty to acknowledge and celebrate in October!

Are you busy collecting ideas and planning for your CNC program this month? If so, there are a few important days this month that you might want to incorporate and honour to raise awareness in your CNC program and community!
October is Canada Library and Fire Prevention month
International Day of the Girl Child and Thanksgiving are also celebrated on October 11th. 
Make a Difference Day is October 23rd
Hallowe'en is on October 30th

Math All Day: 14 Ways to Teach Young Children Math Skills During Daily Routines

Getting young children ready for long-term math success requires more than a great preschool teacher. For young children, developing a strong foundation of basic math concepts is easier when their families join in too, finding fun and creative ways to slip little math-related lessons and challenges into everyday activities. Here are some specific ideas for infusing math into a typical day’s schedule with a young child.

Building Responsive Relationships Remotely

Science tells us that responsive relationships—like those with serve and return interactions—between children and adults, adults and other adults, and children and other children help buffer us against the effects of ongoing stress. These relationships act as a core building block for resilience and help us navigate life’s ups and downs. How do we maintain and promote responsive relationships during the coronavirus pandemic? Harvard Centre on the Developing Child reached out to care providers and others on the frontline of the early childhood development field to learn how they are building relationships with families from afar. Here are their tips for navigating remote interactions with children and families during this unusual time.

How will you honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th?

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, the federal government passed legislation in June recognizing September 30, 2021, as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We encourage all CNC community members to reflect on this important milestone and consider how they can acknowledge and honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with their CNC programs, communities and families. Read more.