Parents and Families

How to Engage Newcomer Families in Your Early Childhood Program

Parent involvement is important in early childhood education. Many creative opportunities exist for parent involvement in early childhood programs, but there is often a lower percentage of parent participation from parents in the diverse community. Find ideas for helping parents become more involved here...

How does being bilingual benefit children?

In the era of globalization, learning a second language during childhood can provide developmental and social benefits. This topic aims to further understanding of the impacts of bilingualism on children’s cognitive development and suggests the most favourable learning contexts. Read more.

Developing Cultural Understanding: Tips for Administrators

Early childhood administrators play a critical role in helping their staff understand individual histories and ideologies regarding education and learning as well as the cultural patterns and beliefs of the families they work with. Find tips for developing cultural understand in your programs here...

Sleep Well, Sleep Safe

This booklet is for parents and caregivers of infants from 0-12 months. It provides information on healthy sleep tips for infants and parents, how to reduce the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep related causes of infant death. Available in English and French.

Healthy Families BC: Pregnancy and Parenting

Healthy Families BC has helpful tips and tools for parents with babies and toddlers. The website covers all areas of social, emotional and physical development, as well as building healthy relationships and positive parenting.

Child Assessment and Diagnosis in Winnipeg

The Child Development Clinic (CDC) in Winnipeg provides assessment and referral support for preschool aged children who have a developmental, behaviour or physical disability. Find out more about what parents can do if they have a concern, and what will happen after a diagnosis here.

Immigrant Parents and Early Childhood Programs: Addressing Barriers of Literacy, Culture, and Systems Knowledge

Immigrant parents confront significant barriers as they try to engage with their children's educational programs during the developmentally critical early years. Read more...

Exploration of the Status of Services for Immigrant Families in Early Childhood Education Programs

Four principles have been identified as having importance when working with immigrant families. In this report, each principle is explored individually in terms of dynamics as well as recommendations for ECE programs currently working with immigrant families.

Newcomer Parents Speak Out On CNC – Unveiling Some Surprising Results!

To better understand how parents feel about the care their children receive, CMAS designed and conducted an evaluation. Read more...

Understanding Sensory Issues in Young Children: The Importance of Sensory Integration

Watch this video to gain an understanding of sensory integration. This video uses animation to provide information about: the 7 senses, how individuals use sensory information, and possible signs of sensory integration issues. Visit for more information, including a sensory integration checklist useful for checking any possible sensory issues in children.