Culture and Diversity

HiMama Helps Webinar: How to teach children to embrace differences

Let's talk about how young children develop their understanding of differences! Most importantly, this webinar provides practical strategies that CNC staff can use to encourage young children to talk about, understand and appreciate differences between people and places.

Being a Dad in Canada – Available in 7 Languages

The Being a Dad in Canada tips sheets, video, and facilitation guide are part of the Family Life in Canada resource series. The goal of this series is to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada and encourage them to access information, programs, and services in their community. All you have to do is sign up to get access to the free resources that are available in 7 languages - making them easy to use with the newcomer families you work with!

Parenting Resources in Languages Other Than English

This Australian parenting website shares a variety of multilingual parenting resources on topics like daily care, nutrition, sleep, special needs, and more.

Sesame Street in Communities: Resettlement

Resettling can be a long, challenging process. Big changes bring big feelings, too. But children and adults can learn ways to cope with their big feelings and adapt to a new way of life, all while finding strength and comfort in the many memories, practices, and traditions they bring with them. Sesame Street in Communities has put together this collection of resources to support families as they find strength in their own stories and begin a new, hopeful chapter.

Creating Culturally Relevant Classroom Environments

Part of our ongoing diligence in creating culturally relevant CNC spaces is to ask ourselves, "Do the children and families share and shape this educational space with me?".  And this new blog series is designed to help! 

Cultural Competence Self-assessment Checklist

Developed by Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society, this cultural competence self-assessment tool provides an opportunity to explore your cultural competence, reflect on your skills, knowledge, and self-awareness, and think about ways to improve your interactions with others.

Video: Cultural Humility

"Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices," is a 30-minute documentary by San Francisco State professor Vivian Chávez, that mixes poetry with music, interviews, archival footage, and images of community, nature and dance to explain what Cultural Humility is and why we need it. The film describes a set of three principles that guide the thinking, behavior and actions of individuals and institutions to positively affect interpersonal relationships as well as systems change.

Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices

What does this term mean to you? How does it apply in early childhood education? With Black History Month in mind, Dr. Nefertiti Poyner sits down and discusses what culturally responsive means, and how we can all reflect on and improve upon our practices when working with our youngest students. Here's Part 1, Let's Dig Deep: Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices

Promoting the Positive Racial Identity of Black Infants and Toddlers in Early Childhood Programs

We know that the first 1,000 days are a sensitive period in children’s development, but did you know that the early years are also important for positive ethnic-racial identity? Positive ethnic-racial identity is protective and promotive for children’s healthy development - especially children from racially and linguistically minoritized families and communities. Unfortunately, this is an area rarely discussed and educators who care for and teach babies are undervalued and receive low compensation. In this webinar, participants will examine how Black families and their babies have been dealing with two pandemics – COVID-19 and racism.

Anti-Bias Education: Recommended Books

Anti-bias curriculum is an approach to early childhood education that sets forth values-based principles and methodology in support of respecting and embracing differences and acting against bias and unfairness. Anti-bias teaching requires critical thinking and problem solving by both children and adults. Here is a list of books that can help!