Culture and Diversity

12 Spring Traditions Around the World

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and warm-weather activities. Baby animals are born, flowers bloom, and families around the world welcome spring with their own traditions. Through food, festivals, and various activities, the spring celebrations are endless. Here’s a list of how 12 different countries welcome spring.

16 Resources for Finding Diverse Books and Classroom Materials

These 16 helpful resources can help you ensure that your bookshelves reflect the diversity of the world around us. Some focus more on school-age programming, but there are lots of great resources to support the early years too!

8 Tips for Making Your Program Culturally Inclusive Year Round

Celebrating diversity is a huge part of building the empathy and perspective-taking skills necessary for the development of kind, inclusive, caring human beings. As educators, we have an incredible opportunity and responsibility to support the development of these skills with even our youngest learners. Here are 8 tips for making sure your program is culturally inclusive year-round!

Listening: A Key to Cultural Competence

WEBINAR: Culture and Challenging Behaviour

Like the children in our care, every educator is different. We come from different contexts and cultures, and everything we think, say, and do is processed through the filter of our own culture. Culture influences our values, beliefs, gender roles, family structures, language, and even our teaching styles. The ability to understand and celebrate differences is more important now than ever. In this webinar, Barbara Kaiser will talk about the importance of cross-cultural competence, and explore the dynamics of culture in shaping educators’ expectations and children’s behaviour.

Gratitude activity for kids: Make a South African Ubuntu Collage!

Ubuntu is an important idea in South Africa. The word comes from the Zulu language and refers to the bond that connects all people. It is often translated as, “I am because we are.” The practice of Ubuntu means caring about the needs of others by being kind, helpful and generous, and it’s a lovely reminder of how connected we all are. An Ubuntu collage can be a wonderful gratitude activity for kids!

WEBINAR: Culture and Children’s Challenging Behaviour

Like the children in our care, every teacher is different. We come from different contexts and cultures, and everything we think, say, and do is processed through the filter of our own culture. Culture influences our values, beliefs, gender roles, family structures, language, and even our teaching styles. The ability to understand and celebrate differences is more important now than ever. In this webinar, participants will explore the dynamics of culture in shaping teachers’ expectations and children’s behavior.

Webinar: Early Childhood Behaviour Guidance Practices and the Role of Implicit Bias

In this paradigm-shifting webinar, participants will learn about implicit racial bias and its role in behavior management practices and policies in early childhood programs. This training is a great opportunity for us to examine how our own implicit biases may affect how we manage the behavior of young children of color in our programs.

Being a Teen in Canada – Available in 7 Languages

The Being a Teen in Canada tips sheets, video, and facilitation guide are part of the Family Life in Canada resource series. The goal of this series is to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada and encourage them to access information, programs, and services in their community. All you have to do is sign up to get access to the free resources that are available in 7 languages - making them easy to use with the newcomer families you work with!

Caring for Kids New to Canada: Updated Resource List

Caring for Kids New to Canada has updated this list of online health information for parents in other languages!