Culture and Diversity

How to Improve Your Cultural Awareness and Understanding

The National Centre for Cultural Competence has a Curricula Enhancement Module Series on Cultural and Linguistic Competence. It is intended for health and mental health professionals, but has modules that will help early learning and care professionals improve their cultural awareness and understanding as well!

Childhood Interrupted: Lost Years for the Children of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Earlier this year, a team travelled to Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey to assess the situation of refugee children in the region. Their report describes the children and families at risk, and documents the educational crisis. It also recommends consideration of family unity and the best interests of the child when developing services. Read more...

Video Snapshots: How to Support a Young Dual Language Learner at the Beginning of the Year?

These video snapshots are a great training tool! They not only document the early stages and strategies of preschool second language acquisition, but also reflect current research. It is a rare look at the first stages that are so vital to the teacher-child connection.

How does settlement impact families?

The newest edition of AMSSA's Migration Matters info sheet series, Family, Migration and Settlement, is full of facts and insight to help you better understand how and why integrating into Canadian society impacts parenting and family dynamics.

The Young Dual Language Learner Video Series: A Peek into Quality Early Childhood Programs for DLLs

Teaching At The Beginning has recently released a series of 20 short videos to support educators of young DLLs. The videos can be used as tools for observation, study and professional development, and are separated into three helpful categories: Teaching Strategies, The First and Second Languages of Young Children, and Parents, Family and Community Engagement.

A Guide for Newcomer Parents About School in Canada

The Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation has a guide that will help to address some of the questions that immigrant and refugee parents may have about the school system in Canada, and give them the opportunity to address how their parenting role may be different in Canada than it was in their home country.

Video: How to Develop Literacy Skills With Dual Language Learners

Find ideas for helping young dual language learners with their expressive and receptive language skills through reading, writing, and speaking in this helpful video.

Impact of Second Language/Bilingualism at An Early Age

Many children grow up hearing and using more than one language. Parents, educators and legislators alike take an interest in research findings on child bilingualism in a concerted effort to ensure that bilingualism does not put children at any intellectual or emotional risk. Research has shown that bilingualism actually has some significant socio-cognitive advantages. Read more

How Discrimination Impacts Children from Immigrant Families in the Early Years

Many children from immigrant families experience discrimination in school during their early, impressionable years. This report describes how discrimination in the early years can affect a child’s development, outlines the types of discrimination that young children of immigrants may experience, and concludes with recommendations that focus on training teachers, building relationships between schools and immigrant communities, and encouraging more varied, culturally sensitive learning experiences.

What factors influence how well an immigrant family functions?

Moving to a new country is a significant event in a child’s life. It is important to have a good understanding of the factors — both in the host society and in the immigrant family — that create opportunities, benefits, and difficulties in the development of immigrant children. Read more