We’ve translated 50 useful words into the 10 top languages spoken by newcomer families!

Communicating with newcomer children and their families can be challenging.  We translated 50 frequently used words into the l0 languages most commonly spoken in our newcomer programs. The words are available as cards that include pictures and phonetic pronunciations.

This resource can be used as a visual to support language learning and confidence,  create cultural connections, and communicate with and involve parents in the learning process.

The files are available in a variety of formats, so your program can print and/or repurpose them in a way that best suits your needs.

PDF 5″x7″ cards
(Colour/Black and White)
PowerPoint/WordIndividual image Cards
(zipped .png files)
Excel file
(words only)
Audio files
(zipped mp3 files)
ArabicArabic Colour PDF
Arabic B/W PDF
Arabic PPT
Arabic Word
Arabic imagesArabic textArabic audio
Chinese (PRC)Chinese Colour PDF
Chinese B/W PDF
Chinese PPT
Chinese Word
Chinese imagesChinese textChinese audio
FarsiFarsi Colour PDF
Farsi B/W PDF
Farsi PPT
Farsi Word
Farsi imagesFarsi textFarsi audio
HindiHindi Colour PDF
Hindi B/W PDF
Hindi PPT
Hindi Word
Hindi imagesHindi textHindi audio
KoreanKorean Colour PDF
Korean B/W PDF
Korean PPT
Korean Word
Korean imagesKorean textKorean audio
PashtoPashto Colour PDF
Pashto B/W PDF
Pashto PPT
Pashto Word
Pashto imagesPashto textPashto audio
PunjabiPunjabi Colour PDF
Punjabi B/W PDF
Punjabi PPT
Punjabi Word
Punjabi imagesPunjabi textPunjabi audio
SpanishSpanish Colour PDF
Spanish B/W PDF
Spanish PPT
Spanish Word
Spanish imagesSpanish textSpanish audio
UrduUrdu Colour PDF
Urdu B/W PDF
Urdu PPT
Urdu Word
Urdu imagesUrdu textUrdu audio
UkrainianUkrainian Colour PDF
Ukrainian B/W PDF
Ukrainian PPT
Ukrainian Word
Ukrainian imagesUkrainian textUkrainian audio