
COVID-19: Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers

COVID-19 has impacted our world and families in so many ways, and most have experienced a significant increase in stress. When parents and caregivers take time daily to recharge, they feel better and can pass along a sense of calm and wellbeing to the children. In light of recent events, here are some self-care practices and questions for parents and caregivers that might help them find balance between stress and coping.

24/7 parenting resources in 70 languages

Looking for helpful tips for parents in different languages? Parenting for Lifelong Health has worked with leading organizations like WHO, Unicef and Centers for Disease Control to develop free online parenting resources during COVID-19.

Multilingual Parenting Tips for Uncertain Times

In the coming weeks, many families will find the stresses of full time parenting and staying inside with children to be a significant challenge. Triple P- Positive Parenting Program has developed two resources to help. 10 Tips for Parenting in Uncertain Times is now available in Arabic, Dutch, English, German and Spanish. Parenting During COVID-19 is also available in English and French.

Time to Come In, Bear: A Video Children’s Story About Social Distancing

Trying to explain social distancing to little ones during the COVID-19 outbreak can be difficult. That's why children's author, Kim St. Lawrence recently released a video story called Time To Come In, Bear. It's the story of a young bear who needs to come in from playing outside because "the world caught a cold." The narrator goes on to explain that the little bear "won't catch its germs if you just stay at home," and that this won't last forever, an important element for little kids to hear. It's simple and sweet and less than two minutes long, making it easy to follow for little ones who need to understand the new way of things.

VIDEO: How to Help Children Feel Calm During a Global Crisis

When the world faces global trauma, we need each other more than ever. Don’t underestimate what the little things might mean to the children in your life. As it turns out, the little things will be the big things that will get us through this. Here's a quick video with tips for talking to kids about COVID-19 and other global trauma.

How to Help Children Calm Down

Many children have difficulty regulating their emotions. Tantrums, outbursts, whining, defiance, fighting: these are all behaviours you see when kids experience powerful feelings they can’t control. The good news is that learning to calm down instead of acting out is a skill that can be taught.

Ideas for Parents: How to Keep Kids Happy, Busy & Learning if School is Closed

Widespread school closures have sent a ripple effect into parent communities as many scramble to find ways to smoothly transition  into at-home life with kids. And the secret is a lot easier than you might think: develop a routine, and stick to it!  Here are some ideas to share with parents, and free online learning for kids.

10 Ways to Increase Positive Behaviour

There isn't just one simple tool or technique that works for every child, so it's always a good idea to have a few new strategies and tricks up your sleeve! Here's a helpful list of 10 ways to increase positive behavior in your CNC program.

Family Life in Canada Video Series for Parents

Did you know that Families Canada produces resources and programming to help newcomers settle in Canada? Explore their website to find resources to support your work with newcomer families, including parent resources like this Family Life in Canada Video Series for Parents.

Parenting Tips for Canadian Immigrants

Canadian Immigrant has compiled almost 100 articles and tips on parenting and raising children in Canada. From school to health to child development, these tips and strategies are helpful for all of the newcomer parents in your CNC program!