Health and Safety

Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment

The Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE, ‘kip-chee’) is a national collaboration of organizations with overlapping missions that have been working together since 2001 to improve children’s environmental health in Canada. With a variety of checklists, videos, tools and resources for parents and caregivers, their aim is to increase awareness, mobilize knowledge and catalyze action to ensure that all children in Canada have healthy environments in which to live, learn, play and grow.

Resources from Sesame Workshop for Afghan Parents and Children Affected by Crisis

Sesame Workshop has developed new resources in Dari and Pashto for children and families affected by the earthquakes in Afghanistan. They include videos and digital storybooks offering tips for caregivers to promote children's wellbeing, build their confidence, and to adapt to new environments amid challenging times. Global Initiative to Support Parents has compiled the Dari and Pashto resources here.

How to Keep Kids Active in Winter

Winter brings shorter, colder days and, typically, much more indoor time for kids. But exercise is essential, no matter the season. It helps kids maintain strong muscles and bones, builds cardiovascular strength, reduces the risk of illness, and improves mental health. Here are some fun ideas to share with parents to keep kids moving all season long!

Newcomer Kids Face Chronic Health Risks. Here’s How You Can Help.

Studies show that newcomer children in Canada are developing chronic adult health conditions as a result of the high cost of healthy food and access to physical activities. So it's important for us to share ideas and resources to help families stay physically active and eat healthy! also has quick, 1-minute videos and tips on everyday food choices and raising healthy kids that are perfect for sharing with parents!

Healthy Snacks for Children

Healthy snacks are as important to children’s growth and development as healthy meals. Young children have small stomachs and can’t get all the nutrients they need from just 3 regular meals. Older children need snacks to stay alert and energetic throughout the day. Here are some tips for using Canada’s Food Guide to be sure children are getting healthy snacks. They're perfect for sharing with your team and the parents in your program!

WEBINAR: Treating Anaphylaxis and What You Need to Know About Benedryl

In this webinar, participants learn the importance of using epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis, when antihistamines might be given, and what the safety concerns are with first-generation antihistamines, like Benadryl®.

Resources for Caregiving in Conflict, Crisis or Stressful Situations

Caring for children during conflict contexts can be extremely challenging when caregivers face so many competing responsibilities. Warm, positive parenting can help buffer children from psychological harm during conflict and displacement. The United Nations has developed this series of supportive videos, audio recordings and resources (in various languages) that provide caregivers with tips and advice on how they might best support children during any kind of conflict and displacement. is Multilingual! is a new website for early childhood educators that's filled with informative videos, posters, articles, and a monthly newsletter to help early childhood educators get children active. And all of the posters and videos are available in 10 languages, from Arabic to Ojibwe!

Did you notice these recent product recalls?

3-in-1 LEA Baby Luna cribs have been recalled due to risks of entrapment and other injuries, and Magnetic Marvels have been recalled due to ingestion hazards for all ages. For an updated list of recalls and safety alerts, visit Health Canada regularly.

Newcomer Parent Resource Series: Available in 16 Languages

Refugee parents come to Canada with unique settlement needs, and language barriers that make it challenging to get information to support their parenting, children’s development, and the health and safety of their family here in Canada. We’ve developed a series of 14 parent resources to help - and they’re available in the 16 languages most commonly spoken by refugee families here in Canada!