Child Development

Keeping Your Home Language

Research shows that keeping your home language will not only benefit your child socially and emotionally, but can also improve their cognitive skills, boost overall brain function, and help them to learn a new language.This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

Helping Your Child Get Ready to Learn

Since children do best when they grow up in a healthy environment where they feel safe, respected and loved—the way you care for them will have a great impact on how well they will learn. This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

Helping Your Child Cope With Stress

Settling in Canada can be stressful. What’s more, if your family had a long journey to safety, it’s common to still feel fearful. However, this can lead your child to feeling fearful, too—and that can result in stress. In this tip sheet, you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of stress in your child. Once you know what to look for, you can work as a family to find ways to begin to feel safe again. This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

Guiding Your Child’s Behaviour

When children are anxious, it often results in difficult behaviour. No matter how your child behaves, it’s important to be consistent, but also understanding, patient and loving. This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

Creating Routines for Your Child

Repeated tasks make a routine that can help your child to feel relaxed and secure. This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

10 Tips for Stopping Aggression

The ten tips in this sheet can help you to respond calmly and consistently to aggressive behaviour. This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

Children Learn Through Play

When children play, they’re learning with their bodies by touching, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and moving. Every day, there’s something new to discover. Play also helps them to build social skills, language skills and more! This resource is available in multiple languages for download.

Make Bedtime Better: The Sleep Guide for Parents

Many families struggle with bedtime routines and helping children develop healthy sleeping patterns. This guide is full of information about all things related to children's sleep. The topics have been broken down into useful sections to make it easy to find the information and you're looking for.

20 Strategies for Building Resilience in Children (Backed by Science)

This article succinctly describes 20 practical and powerful strategies for promoting resilience in your program.

RIRO Resiliency Guidebook

This guidebook is for child-serving professionals and parents. It aims to increase awareness of the importance of promoting resilience through caring relationships and adult modelling of resilient thinking and coping strategies.