Child Development

How can we help kids develop physical literacy?

To be healthy, children need to move and be physically active. And it’s much more than physical health that comes with being active! Children who move are healthier, happier, and more successful in life. In our digital world, it can be challenging, but here's a simple "recipe" for getting kids moving every day!

Extending Block Play for Early Learning

There is absolutely no wrong or right way to play with blocks! Every child is unique in the way that they choose to approach materials and blocks can be such a valuable tool to encourage open ended play and learning. This mini guide provides ideas and inspiration for block play, and even has a suggested block play materials list.

Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite

Biting is a typical behaviour often seen in infants, toddlers, and 2-year olds. As children mature, gain self-control, and develop problem-solving skills, they usually outgrow this behaviour. While not uncommon, biting can be an upsetting and potentially harmful behaviour. This article will help you to understand why some children bite and provide some ideas and strategies for responding appropriately.

20 Developmentally-Appropriate Activities for 6-9 Month Olds

Play is a powerful part of childhood development, and there are so many important developmental milestones during infancy. But it can sometimes be difficult to come up with ways to play with babies. Here are some play ideas for 6-9 month olds.

The Magic Triangle of Reading Aloud: The Book, the Child, and the Adult

Children’s picture books are full of joy and learning (phonological awareness, development of pre-reading skills, problem solving, and decoding, just to name a few). In this webinar, participants will learn about the magic that happens when you combine a great book, adult, and child, and how to select great children’s books for young children.

12 Physical Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

If you need ideas for physical development activities for toddlers and preschoolers in your care to help get them moving, here are a few games to try!

5 Ways To Nurture Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a hot topic these days! And with so many different books and articles to choose from, it can be challenging to process all of the latest findings on EI, much less apply them to everyday life. Here's a quick overview of the research and 5 everyday strategies to help children grow their emotional intelligence in your CNC program.

7 Interesting Benefits of Water Play

Water is an important natural material that provides hours of absorbing fun and a multitude of wonderful development and learning opportunities. Here, you'll discover the benefits of water play and tips to easily incorporate it into your day to day play schedule.

49 Fun Preschool Physical Activity Ideas

Children don’t just need a lot of movement, they also need a lot of variety of movement! So here's a list of 49 fun physical activities ideas that will help preschoolers get active and develop skills in a variety of ways.

How does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?

Centre on the Developing Child has developed a helpful infographic that explains COVID-19 and how it relates to child development. They've also compiled a variety of resources on stress, resilience, and responding to the coronovirus.