
Multilingual Tipsheets

The Illinois Early Learning Project website is a source of information on early care and education for parents, caregivers, and teachers of young children. Here you will find 171 tipsheets that are available in different languages.

Multilingual Parent Resources Available: Shaken Baby Syndrome

The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation has recently expanded its Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention initiative to include "Comforting Cards" in 21 languages.

Free Multilingual Resources!

The Best Start Resource Centre offers multilingual resources for parents in their home language. Languages available include: Arabic, Filipino, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Tamil and Urdu. The resource “You and your baby…” is also available in two Aboriginal languages. You can download the resources online at: Programs can also order print versions of these resources in languages other than English and French. The Best Start Resource Centre will consider special requests from registered charitable organizations who may have funding limitations.

First Cross iconHealthy Smiles, Healthy Kids!

Good oral health is important to childrens’ overall health. Yet, for some, regular dental care may not be affordable. Healthy Smiles Ontario is a program for children 17 and under who do not have access to any form of dental coverage. If eligible, children will get regular dental services at no cost. Read More

School Readiness: An Overview – Alka Burman

“School readiness” refers to a child’s ability to meet the demands of school. Often these abilities are broken down into key areas known as developmental domains. Alka Burman, Early Literacy Specialist, outlines these developmental domains.Read More

School Readiness: Communication Skills and General Knowledge – Alka Burman

"Communication skills and general knowledge” refers to the ability to communicate one’s own needs clearly and to understand others.Alka Burman, Early Literacy Specialist, discusses these concepts. Read More

School Readiness: Emotional Health and Maturity – Alka Burman

“Emotional health and maturity” refers to a child’s prosocial behaviour. It is the ability to recognize and express both positive and negative emotions in ways that are healthy, respectful and appropriate to the situation and to empathize with and comfort others.Alka Burman, Early Literacy Specialist, discusses these concepts.Read More

School Readiness: Language and Cognitive Development – Alka Burman

Language and cognitive development is one of the more well-known areas of school readiness. Alka Burman, Early Literacy Specialist, discusses these concepts. Read More

School Readiness: Social Knowledge and Competence – Alka Burman

“Social knowledge and competence” refers to a person’s ability to get along with others. A child’s social competence is displayed through their ability to interact appropriately with their peers, family members and other adults around them.Alka Burman, Early Literacy Specialist, discusses these concepts. Read More

Learning to Play and Playing to Learn: Getting Ready for School

Looking for information on preparing children for full day kindergarten and beyond? Available in both French and English, Learning to Play and Playing to Learn is an easy to read parent resource filled with up-to-date information, helpful tips, checklists, and resources. This brochure will provide answers to the questions of caregivers and newcomer parents alike, on topics such as: What does a Kindergarten day look like? and How can I help my child be ready to learn?