News Item

Feeling anxious? These tips from two mental health experts might help

As many of you have made or are about to make the transition back into the CNC program, you may be experiencing stress or anxiety. Here are some tips and strategies to help you “find your calm” so that you're able to keep supporting the children in your care.

CMAS Webinar: The Importance of Play in Challenging Times

The transition back to CNC after pandemic closures can be stressful for everyone, and for some, it’s hard to imagine how to plan play-based learning and still meet provincial directives. In this webinar, CMAS consultant Jackie Cunningham provides CNC staff with 10 tips for keeping the focus on play during these challenging times, activity ideas to try, and a simple tip sheet you can share with your team!

20 Developmentally-Appropriate Activities for 6-9 Month Olds

Play is a powerful part of childhood development, and there are so many important developmental milestones during infancy. But it can sometimes be difficult to come up with ways to play with babies. Here are some play ideas for 6-9 month olds.

Cold & Flu Season During COVID-19: The Child Care Director’s Guide (With Printables)

Cold & flu season generally occurs during the colder months of the year, between approximately October and May, making it less of a ‘season’ and more something that needs to be top-of-mind for most of the year. While it is impossible to stop people from getting sick, it is up to administrators and SDRs to make illness prevention a priority and equip your program with what it needs to keep everyone as healthy as possible. This guide is full of helpful ideas and resources to help you prevent the spread of illnesses during cold and flu season (and beyond).

From In Class to Online Preschool: Our Virtual Journey

Like many other programs across the country, the LINC preschool team at ISS of BC in Vancouver found themselves re-imagining their roles and having to figure out how to continue supporting newcomer families with young children during the pandemic. In this online course, the team will be taking participants through their journey from in-person preschool to online programming. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with others, learn, share and talk about how we are all continually re-imagining our work as Early Childhood Educators. The cost of this 4-hour, certificate course is $65.

Choosing your words carefully…

Changing the way we speak to children is the first step in changing behaviour. When we teach children what to do instead of telling them what NOT to do, behaviour changes and relationships grow. Here's a list of common phrases used with children - along with suggestions for alternatives!

8 Tips for Helping Children with Pandemic Anxiety

The stress caused by the pandemic has impacted everyone, but can be especially difficult for children who are especially vulnerable. Here are 8 tips from Canadian Immigrant on how we can be there for children and help them manage anxiety during this challenging time.

Multilingual Resources for Diverse Communities During COVID-19

Looking for resources in different languages? Ottawa Public Health has a library of accurate, reliable and up-to-date COVID-19 resources, including videos, posters and factsheets that have been translated into multiple languages. WorkSafeBC also has three helpful posters that are available in multiple languages to help prevent the spread of COVID-19; Cover coughs and sneezesHandwashingHow to use a mask.

WEBINAR: Unpacking the Pyramid Model – A Practical Guide to Social Emotional Learning

In this powerful webinar, experts share their insights about the important relationship between social emotional skills and cognitive development. The session focuses on the Pyramid Model as a framework for promoting social emotional competence and preventing challenging behavior. Participants will also learn strategies and targeted intervention for children who need additional support in the development of self-regulation, friendship skills, emotional literacy, and problem-solving.

CNC in Action: How one CNC program uses technology to connect with parents

Dropping off and picking children up from childcare is generally chaotic. There isn't much time for staff and parents to talk, let alone share in-depth information about a child's day. For many newcomers, this is the first time they're leaving their children alone with someone who isn't part of their extended family. They're adjusting to new language, new people, new culture. And now they're leaving their children with strangers. CNC staff spend a lot of time initially building a relationship with parents, but it can be challenging to find ways to connect and share information. The CNC team at North York Community House (NYCH) wanted to encourage parents to ask questions, share information, involve and provide them with useful developmental and relevant parenting information - so they went looking for solutions!