News Item

Extending Block Play for Early Learning

There is absolutely no wrong or right way to play with blocks! Every child is unique in the way that they choose to approach materials and blocks can be such a valuable tool to encourage open ended play and learning. This mini guide provides ideas and inspiration for block play, and even has a suggested block play materials list.

WEBINAR: Using Routines to Help Children Adjust After COVID Closures and Other Disruptions

In this webinar, participants will learn practical strategies to help children readjust to attending early childhood programs after COVID-19. In this strategy packed webinar, an experienced play therapist and child psychologist shares the importance of structured daily routines to smooth transitions. He will also provide some ideas for play-based interaction skills that can empower children with a perceived loss of control that children often experience during major life changes.

The Power of Mirror Play for Infants and Toddlers

Mirrors are wonderful tools for engaging babies and toddlers. But what makes mirrors so intriguing and why should you hang one in your play space?

WEBINAR: Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts

Join co-author of the award-winning books, Loose Parts: Inspiring Play for this webinar full of tips for choosing and setting up loose parts for children in your program! Participants will learn the value of loose parts in play, how to choose loose parts using different lenses for different learning goals, and how to set provocations that promote inquiry.

Professional Development: Self-Care in the Context of 2021

COVID IMAGEStrengthening self-awareness to reduce burnout in times of stress and uncertainty (Self-Care) is a keynote address focusing on the need for self-awareness and self-care in 2020. Now more than ever we need to access our sources of resilience, strength and grounding. Participants will be introduced to the concept of burnout and learn about the Zones of Self-Awareness to detect when their stress response systems have been activated. Several sources of resilience will be explored for strengthening or building self-regulation and grounding in times of stress.

We Have the Moves: Physical Activity Resource

Inside this resource, you’ll find fun-filled activities to help incorporate physical activity into everyday moments. Whatever activities you choose, have fun together! Let children see you jumping, dancing, and being silly. The more they see you moving, the more they will want to join in. These moments will help lay the foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Newcomer Nutrition Education Toolkit

To support program providers and health professionals who work with newcomers to Canada, Alberta Health Services has put together this helpful collection of nutrition videos and resources for people with basic English literacy and diverse cultural backgrounds. Topics include food safety, starting solids, healthy snacks for children, and more!

WEBINAR: Implementing Virtual Learning-Tips from the Front lines

Looking for fresh ideas? Join this HiMama webinar for virtual learning inspiration, strategies for supporting your team, and tips for building community during the pandemic.

Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite

Biting is a typical behaviour often seen in infants, toddlers, and 2-year olds. As children mature, gain self-control, and develop problem-solving skills, they usually outgrow this behaviour. While not uncommon, biting can be an upsetting and potentially harmful behaviour. This article will help you to understand why some children bite and provide some ideas and strategies for responding appropriately.

Webinar: Puppet Pals for Children, SEL Partners for Teachers

Whether you are teaching in person or online, this information-packed webinar will provide strategies for using puppets to create engaging experiences for young children. Participants will be inspired to use puppets as "pals" who help children with problem solving, empathy, community-building, and all aspects of development. Join this webinar to learn how to make puppets partners in your online or in-person program.