Professional Development: Self-Care in the Context of 2021

COVID IMAGEStrengthening self-awareness to reduce burnout in times of stress and uncertainty (Self-Care) is a keynote address focusing on the need for self-awareness and self-care in 2020. Now more than ever we need to access our sources of resilience, strength and grounding. Participants will be introduced to the concept of burnout and learn about the Zones of Self-Awareness to detect when their stress response systems have been activated. Several sources of resilience will be explored for strengthening or building self-regulation and grounding in times of stress.

Newcomer Nutrition Education Toolkit

To support program providers and health professionals who work with newcomers to Canada, Alberta Health Services has put together this helpful collection of nutrition videos and resources for people with basic English literacy and diverse cultural backgrounds. Topics include food safety, starting solids, healthy snacks for children, and more!

Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite

Biting is a typical behaviour often seen in infants, toddlers, and 2-year olds. As children mature, gain self-control, and develop problem-solving skills, they usually outgrow this behaviour. While not uncommon, biting can be an upsetting and potentially harmful behaviour. This article will help you to understand why some children bite and provide some ideas and strategies for responding appropriately.

Webinar: Puppet Pals for Children, SEL Partners for Teachers

Whether you are teaching in person or online, this information-packed webinar will provide strategies for using puppets to create engaging experiences for young children. Participants will be inspired to use puppets as "pals" who help children with problem solving, empathy, community-building, and all aspects of development. Join this webinar to learn how to make puppets partners in your online or in-person program.

Activities Ideas to Help Get Kids Moving!

Keep children moving while learning with daily, quick and creative physical activities. Ideally, kids should have two to three active play times every day. Instead of thinking of exercise as a separate scheduled activity, just try to weave quick “moving” moments throughout the day.

Physical Activity Ideas for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers

This website is full of physical activities ideas for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. It offers a variety of ideas, strategies, information and resources that are perfect for sharing with parents to help them use the space within their homes, the materials they have, and their limited time to model and encourage physical activity!

INFOGRAPHIC: How Racism Can Affect Child Development

This infographic explains in basic terms how racism affects learning, behavior, and lifelong health. Let's start with a shared understanding so that we can work together toward creative strategies to address these long-standing inequities…

Grief: Yours, Mine & Ours Webinar Recording & Resources

Living through a pandemic has meant losing many things that are important to us. We grieve loss of life and health for many who contract the virus. We grieve the loss of connection through schools, activities, and family gatherings while we’re stuck at home. And on top of all that, we feel the loss of control over our daily lives as routines and plans have been upended. This Pandemic Parenting Exchange webinar explains different types of grief and how it may have been present for you, your child(ren), and your community.

Prioritize “connections over content” in all virtual learning efforts

COVID IMAGEIdeally, virtual classrooms and programs can represent a space for children to focus on learning and to process the emotional and social effects of the pandemic. This article includes a list of considerations, including a recommendation to prioritize “connections over content” in all virtual learning efforts for children and families.

Creating Early Learning Spaces for Multi-Age Groups

Designing and creating engaging early learning spaces for children of different ages can be a challenge but here are a few simple strategies to make the process a little easier, and make life less stressful for caregivers - with a focus on providing as many opportunities as possible for the children to explore and play, challenge themselves or try something new!