What’s new?
The consultants at CMAS have been getting ready to conduct assessments. Your consultant will contact you to schedule an assessment. Assessments begin the end of September and are completed by the end of October.
CMAS is always available to help
CMAS consultants are here to help you prepare for your assessment and all other childminding programming needs. Contact your consultant for site visits, support, referrals, and for all other questions and needs.
Your childminding program success is our goal!
Professional Development Conference
Mark your calendar! October 27-28 is the 10 Ontario Professional Development Conference for LINC Childminders. This year’s focus of Wellness for All is sure to leave you with renewed energy and inspiration!
- Conference packages have been mailed.
- Register today!
A variety of online training will be offered via the CMAS website. Visit us online in October 2011 for details. Visit: https://cmascanada.ca//training-and-events/
Online Resources:
CMAS Aseessments: Steps in the Process: https://cmascanada.ca/2010/09/06/orientation-of-cic-funded-child-care/
Children with Special Needs: https://cmascanada.ca/category/caring-for-newcomer-children/special-needs/