What’s new?
Assessments for ELT Child Care
It’s official! CIC has confirmed that child care offered to support Enhanced Language Training (ELT) will operate under the National LINC Childminding Requirements (NLCR). Your CMAS consultant will contact you to schedule your ELT assessment which will take place from September to November 2011. CIC will be provided with information in January 2012 summarizing your compliance with the NLCR and/or any outstanding issues.
Training Opportunities Program (TOP)
TOP is for caregivers to be reimbursed for skill-enhancing courses and workshops, and now ELT caregivers are included! Important notes about reimbursement
CMAS is always available to help
CMAS consultants are here to help you prepare for your assessment, providing orientation for new caregivers and coordinators, and all other childminding programming needs. Contact your consultant for site visits, support, referrals, and for all other questions and needs.
Mark your calendar! October 27-28 is the 10th Ontario Professional Development Conference for LINC Childminders. This year’s focus of Wellness for All is sure to leave you with renewed energy and inspiration!
- Conference packages have been mailed
- Register today!
NEW Workshop!- Supporting the Settlement Needs of Newcomer Children
Are you interested in learning the latest research about caring for newcomer children and turning this information into practical ideas for your child care program? Join us for a FREE one-day workshop, facilitated by Julie Dotsch, leading expert in the care of newcomer children.
Suitable for caregivers and Supervisors, you will gain a renewed sense of purpose and passion as you learn new strategies to positively affect the settlement needs of newcomer children.
Other free training available:
- Child Abuse: Prevention and Intervention
- Anaphylaxis: Responding to Life-Threatening Allergies
- Inclusion 101
To learn more, or schedule a workshop in your area, contact Brian Robertson at brainrobertson@newcomerfamilies.caa or 416-395-5027. Space is limited. Contact us today!