A child’s environment includes both physical and emotional elements. In great programs, both of these work in unison to create an atmosphere that is creative and satisfying for caregivers, children, and their families. We can overcome the challenges of emergent programming in a multi-lingual, continuous enrollment setting by analyzing it through the eyes of newcomer children and their parents! This workshop also examines practical issues such as stress, funding, and storage.
Ann Hutchings is a Registered Early Childhood Educator from Graybridge Malkam. Ann has been in the field for 35 years; ten of which have been focusing on newcomer children. Ann provides a practical and entertaining presentation from the 2010 Professional Development Conference for LINC Childminders.
To view this 1 hour workshop simply click the chapters below;
Great and Sustainable First Impressions – Chapter 1
Great and Sustainable First Impressions – Chapter 2
Great and Sustainable First Impressions – Chapter 3
Great and Sustainable First Impressions – Chapter 4
Great and Sustainable First Impressions – Chapter 5
If you have any comments or feedback please email info@newcomerfamilies.ca