Government of Canada Websites
Health Canada
General information on health issues, including product recalls, product warnings and advisories.
Consumer Product Safety
Health Canada’s site with information on products for use by the general public. On this site you can also subscribe to receive email alerts on product recalls, advisories and warnings.
“Is your child safe?”
A series by Health Canada on the safe use of toys, cribs, clothing, and other products children and parents use.
Established by the Government of Canada to inform families of recalled food and children’s products.
Other Child Health and Safety Websites
The Best Start Resource Centre
The Best Start Resource Centre (BSRC), Health Nexus Sante. BSRC is Ontario’s Maternal, Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre. BSRC partners with other organizations to develop resources in health promotion, prevention and early intervention. The website provides many resources that are translated and culturally adapted including the Canada Food Guide.
Caring for Kids
Caring for Kids is a project of the Canadian Paediatric Society. The site provides child health information from Canada’s paediatric experts, including information on immunizations, childhood illnesses, and general health promotion.
Safe Kids Canada
Safe Kids Canada works with partners across Canada to conduct research, raise awareness, and educate families and practitioners on how to create safe environments for children and prevent childhood injuries. The site includes information on playground/outdoor play safety, seasonal safety issues (winter, sun-safety), poisoning, scalds and burns. Safe Kids Canada also has an Ethno-cultural program, and translates information and resources into several languages, including a series on injury-prevention.