Webinar: Beyond COVID 19 – Preparing to Support Children Through the Transition Back

With families sheltering in place for months, we have all been dealing with a whole new reality. For many children this was an opportunity to spend quality time with their families. For others, whose families may have been struggling to make ends meet, wonder if they still had a job, or deal with medical crises, this may have been a very stressful or even traumatic time. When you re-enter your classroom you need to be emotionally strong and ready to support all of the children who will be counting on you. In this webinar, participants will consider their own stress level and ways to build resilience, identify the impact of this unprecedented stress on children’s behaviour, and develop strategies to scaffold the children’s social, emotional, and physical needs when they return.

HiMama Helps Webinar: Managing Mental Health During COVID-19

This webinar is all about prioritizing our mental health during COVID-19.  The session will cover the impact of the crisis on our well-being and practical strategies to manage our mental health.

How to Start an Online Early Childhood Learning Program During COVID-19

With programs everywhere closing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, providers are now facing the unprecedented challenge of figuring out how to continue providing value to families despite not being able to be in the same physical location as their children. Some centers have simply closed their doors and will pick up where they left off once the quarantine has passed, but others are being called upon to provide remote supports to families during this time. CNC programs and our families have unique circumstances and needs, but this guide has some ideas that might be inspiring and helpful.

New WHO Story Book Helps Explain COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic to Children

The World Health Organization has partnered with over 50 humanitarian organizations to release a children’s storybook to help them understand and cope with all the changes and fears they’re enduring due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The free book, available in downloadable and audio forms, is called My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!

How to provide a virtual ‘group time’ to young children

One of the ways of keeping connected with children during this time is by offering a virtual group time. This can strengthen your relationship with the families and can also support children in reconnecting with their educators and peers. No matter which platform you use, here are some virtual 'group time' tips to help you provide a good experience.

Win at Online Meetings When You are NOT Home Alone!

Straight from an expert with lots of experience, here are some tips for presenting webinars and participating in conference calls when there are children around!

CMAS Webinar: Sharing Ideas for Remote Parent Support – Session 2

Now, you can join Shazia Ahmed from WEST of Windsor, and Ann Hutchings from Graybridge Malkam to hear their ideas for supporting children and families remotely. The webinar recording is now available for anyone who missed it!

COVID-19: Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers

COVID-19 has impacted our world and families in so many ways, and most have experienced a significant increase in stress. When parents and caregivers take time daily to recharge, they feel better and can pass along a sense of calm and wellbeing to the children. In light of recent events, here are some self-care practices and questions for parents and caregivers that might help them find balance between stress and coping.

24/7 parenting resources in 70 languages

Looking for helpful tips for parents in different languages? Parenting for Lifelong Health has worked with leading organizations like WHO, Unicef and Centers for Disease Control to develop free online parenting resources during COVID-19.

HiMama Helps Webinar: How To Run a Virtual Circle Time

This webinar is all about how to do a virtual circle time.  The session will cover strategies on how to keep parents engaged while distance learning and planning your own virtual circle time. It will also include a discussion on the pre-recorded versus live sessions, share easy activity ideas and more!