Programs and Activities

Playful Learning Spaces for Babies and Toddlers

Creating engaging, welcoming and playful learning spaces for babies and toddlers is just as important as setting up environments for older children. Yet it can be challenging to find the right balance between offering an environment that is developmentally appropriate while still allowing for both security and basic caregiving needs to be met alongside the freedom of exploration as they challenge and extend upon new skills.

Anti-bias Early Childhood Education

Anti-bias education work in early childhood is shaped by a deep-seated belief in the importance of justice, the dream of each child being able to achieve all he or she is capable of, and the knowledge that we can make a difference. Here is a list of anti-bias articles and e-books to help you make connections, learn new strategies and become a leader in your program.

Looking for new ideas for physical activity?

Active for Life has compiled a great list of physical activity ideas for you to try – and they’ve made it easy for you to search for an activity to support a specific age group or skill!

How to set up engaging CNC spaces

You don’t need a big budget or endless imagination and creativity to set up an engaging and playful indoor learning space – just some out of the box thinking, a little inspiration, regular reflection and most importantly, ongoing conversations with the children so you can hear their thoughts, suggestions and opinions and in the process encourage ownership and pride in their space!

15 Tips for Creating & Setting Up Invitations to Play

Setting up invitations to play (which of course leads to learning) can be a simple way to ‘prompt’ children to play in different ways with different materials. It can offer children the opportunity to direct their own play, follow their interests, learn more about the world around them, express themselves creatively and use their imagination to extend upon the initial invitation.

12 Physical Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

If you need ideas for physical development activities for toddlers and preschoolers in your care to help get them moving, here are a few games to try!

Early childhood insights and inspirations…

Check out this website full of inspiration and ideas for early childhood activities, program setup, health and safety, instructional strategies, inclusion, professional development and more!

Global Storybooks

Global Storybooks is a free multilingual literacy resource for children and youth worldwide. Now, you can read, download, toggle, and listen to a wide variety of illustrated stories in different languages!

What is Culturally Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education?

Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) validates and affirms the cultures of children and incorporates their cultures in multiple aspects of learning and the environment in meaningful ways. This approach also encourages early childhood educators to hold high expectations of the children and their ability to learn. Here are our ways to validate and affirm young students’ cultures in meaningful ways.

Podcast: The Future of Play

In this episode of the preschool podcast, experts explain how early educators can work together to face the challenges of reopening, while maintaining the engagement that children get from learning through play.