Programs and Activities

Creating Early Learning Spaces for Multi-Age Groups

Designing and creating engaging early learning spaces for children of different ages can be a challenge but here are a few simple strategies to make the process a little easier, and make life less stressful for caregivers - with a focus on providing as many opportunities as possible for the children to explore and play, challenge themselves or try something new!

Looking for activity ideas?

HiMama has curated a variety of arts and crafts activity ideas that support children's development and enhance their motor skills. Just provide the materials and let the children explore shapes, colors, textures… all while having fun!

Are you using WhatsApp to connect with families?

Many CNC programs have been using  WhatsApp to connect with newcomer parents and children throughout the pandemic. No matter what virtual platform you're using, it's important to use the technology responsibly and understand best practices when it comes to safety and security. Here's a helpful article on how to use WhatsApp responsibly.

Are you using Zoom to connect with children and families?

COVID-19 is forcing everyone to change how they function, and CNC is no exception. If your program is using Zoom to offer online sessions for families during the pandemic, here are two articles with some tips and tricks that might help: How to use Zoom as an early childhood educator and How to Do Zoom Sessions for Little Tiny Squirmy Kids

Multilingual stories for children

StoryWeaver and Reads have lovely digital collections of multilingual stories for you to share!

Six Key Elements of Meaningful Play

Play supports the development of the whole child, including cognitive, social, physical, and emotional skills. So it's important to actively protect and encourage playtime for children - and to understand the key elements that can help you better foster quality play.

WEBINAR: Virtual Learning and Loose Parts to Create Meaning for Young Children

In this webinar, participants will discuss creative ways to design, develop and deliver useful and engaging virtual education for young children based on integrating loose parts (ordinary objects from home) to promote active play. We will also talk about ideas to limit screen time, and instead create a virtual balanced schedule that promotes equity.

12 Indigenous Picture Books To Add To Your Collection

Diversity in children’s literature is important for two big reasons. First, children need to see themselves in books, and second, children need to see others in books. And in Canada, both aspects are important when it comes to Indigenous picture books. We need to teach all our children the history of our First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples but also have their faces and voices regularly included in our literature, along with those of the many other backgrounds that make up our country. With that in mind, here are 12 wonderful picture books to add to your collection. 

The Magic Triangle of Reading Aloud: The Book, the Child, and the Adult

Children’s picture books are full of joy and learning (phonological awareness, development of pre-reading skills, problem solving, and decoding, just to name a few). In this webinar, participants will learn about the magic that happens when you combine a great book, adult, and child, and how to select great children’s books for young children.

Global Digital Library

Global Digital Library is a collection of digital storybooks and other reading materials that are available in 43 languages - and easily accessible from mobile phones or computers!