Culture and Diversity External Resources

WEBINAR: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – It Starts in Early Childhood

Diversity, equity, and inclusion seem to be buzzwords these days, but what do they all mean? During this webinar, participants took a closer look at the role of leaders and educators in creating programs, policies, and approaches that reflect these values. They'll also have a chance to discuss practical tips to create environments where everyone is welcome and included!

5 Ways Immigrant Parents Support Children’s Home Language Learning

It is important to preserve and develop a child’s home language for their cultural, linguistic, and social development. Yet, languages other than English are often not welcomed or encouraged the way they should be in classrooms. Here are 5 important ways that immigrant parents pass along their important linguistic, cultural, and social knowledge to support children's home language learning.


CMAS is proud to present this recording of a special CNC film screening and panel discussion of the award-winning film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, with co-producers Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo, as well as featured teacher Nadia Janobeta. The film shifts the focus away from the talking heads of experts and on to the voices of teachers committed to equity and diversity on a daily basis. By taking viewers into diverse early childhood classrooms, the film seeks to demonstrate the importance of teacher reflection on identity, context, and practice in anti-bias education and provides a much-needed resource for teacher education and professional development. 

How to Use Books to Promote Diversity in Early Education Classrooms

Many educators struggle with how to introduce the topic of diversity and differences in a classroom. How do we manage to do this without making one child or any of our children feel singled out? How do we make diversity something that we celebrate and talk about instead of acting like we are all the same? How do we ensure that all our staff participates in the discussion? Books are a great way to introduce diversity in CNC.

Free Picture Book Shares First-Time Experiences of Immigrant Children in Canada

New Canadians Centre in Peterborough has published a new children’s picture book that shares the experiences of immigrant children when they arrive in Canada - and it's available online in 7 languages! Written and illustrated by Peterborough artist Casandra Lee (herself a recent immigrant), Building A Home was inspired by the stories of six local newcomer children — including learning English, going to school, visiting large supermarkets, experiencing winter and snow, eating pizza, and more.

WEBINAR – Don’t Look Away: How to Embrace Anti-Bias Classrooms Now

In this webinar, the authors of Don’t Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms participate in a roundtable discussion on how to embrace anti-bias classrooms and anti-racist teaching by creating affirming and culturally grounded environments that protect children from psychological trauma and heal them from the inside out.

How will you honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th?

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, the federal government passed legislation in June recognizing September 30, 2021, as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We encourage all CNC community members to reflect on this important milestone and consider how they can acknowledge and honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with their CNC programs, communities and families. Read more.

The Refuge: A CYRRC Podcast

The Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) has launched a new, monthly podcast series, The Refuge, to share what they have learned from four years of research on social isolation, education, and mental wellbeing of refugee children, youth, and families. This series brings together youth with refugee experience, academics, and community partners to discuss issues affecting refugee children, youth, and families in Canada.


The definition of diversity is simply a range of different things. When children learn very early that differences are normal, they learn to view them without a lens of discomfort. Children naturally begin to pick up on differences, and you may hear questions about why their skin isn’t the same as another child’s, why someone needs to use a wheelchair, how people speak other languages, and more beginning around this age. Many parents and educators experience that initial moment of panic. How am I supposed to explain to a three-year-old about racism, poverty, and disability? The key is to keep it age appropriate, honest and simple.

Programming to Promote Multiculturalism and Diversity

Scholastic has compiled these tips from experts, ideas and ready-to-go activities to help you plan for your CNC program in a way that promotes multiculturalism and diversity.