Culture and Diversity External Resources

Enhancing a sense of belonging in the early years

We invite our readers to reflect on how the theme of a sense of belonging relates to young children. After a conceptual overview by Martin Woodhead and Liz Brooker which philosophically roots the subject firmly in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, this edition of ECM goes on to include contributions from the field in Israel, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands, Mexico, Lebanon and Australia, together with an interview with Cameroonian academic A Bame Nsamenang and reflections on promoting a sense of belonging in the especially challenging circumstances of conflict zones and refugee camps. Enhancing a sense of belonging in the early years

Story Bird

Imagine creating your own stories, adding pictures, and doing it in many languages.

Explore story making with the children.

Transition From Home to Early Childhood Education Settings: The Experience of Children of Ethiopian Immigrant Parents

Read the full text of this research paper

Culture and Diversity links

Canadian Council for Refugees

The Canadian Council for Refugees is a non-profit umbrella organization dedicated to advancing the rights and protection of refugees in Canada (and around the world) and to the settlement of immigrants and refugees in Canada.

Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development
The Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development is a consortium of researchers and academics who identify, synthesize, conduct and disseminate research on early childhood social and emotional development. The site offers summaries of research, a regular bulletin and occasional reports.

Child Care Resource and Research Unit
This site is linked to U of T’s Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU). In it you will find free articles about quality research into excellent childcare methods, free access to interesting and noteworthy developments about early childhood education, fact sheets and videotapes plus much, much more.

ConnectABILITY is a project of Community Living Toronto. The ConnectAbility website is a virtual community dedicated to lifelong learning and support for people who have an intellectual disability, their families and support networks.

Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
The Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers site provides research and resources, including the study “Mapping the life experiences of refugee and immigrant families with preschool children” (2004). is a great starting point for information on maintaining home language. When home language is maintained children become confident bilinguals who will do well in school. Family members are able to communicate in meaningful ways. Classrooms become places where children's linguistic differences are viewed as resources. To learn strategies for protecting home languages go to