Child Development External Resources

Webinar – From Biting to Hugging: The Social Development of Infants and Toddlers

Register now to learn more about how to support infant and toddlers’ social and prosocial development, and new strategies for helping children move from biting to hugging!

Make Bedtime Better: The Sleep Guide for Parents

Many families struggle with bedtime routines and helping children develop healthy sleeping patterns. This guide is full of information about all things related to children's sleep. The topics have been broken down into useful sections to make it easy to find the information and you're looking for.

Webinar: 5 Big Ideas About Early Brain Development

Find out about “5 big ideas” about early brain development that every parent and early childhood professional should know and use every day! For example, 700-1000 new neural connections form in a baby’s brain every second! What does that mean for the baby, and for your program?

Webinar: Using Movement for Optimal Development and Early Learning

This recorded webinar discusses guidelines for creating a movement-friendly environment and managing safety. You'll also learn about techniques that build confidence and self-esteem through a wide variety of activities that you can easily use in your classroom.

How social-emotional learning helps children with anxiety

Giving kids a solid foundation of mental wellness at a young age seems to fend off more serious problems later. Early childhood programs that use social-emotional learning (SEL) — an approach to teaching children that helps them understand and manage their emotions — may help build mental wellness. And safe, positive environments and interactions are key!

Webinar: Strategies That Promote Language and Literacy Development in Dual Language Learners

Are you creating purposeful learning experiences that foster English language acquisition? Do you have strategies for supporting DLLs in each stage of language development? This webinar is designed to support early childhood educators as they improve children's success with language and literacy development.

Harvard Centre on the Developing Child – Resilience Series

These three short videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops and how to strengthen children’s capacity for resilience.

Best Practices for Guiding Children’s Behaviour

Healthy Child Manitoba has developed a guide is for early learning and child care staff and family child care providers. It provides effective ways to guide behaviours and enhance the social and emotional well-being of all children in your care. The strategies described are research-based and can help all children, not just those experiencing difficulties!

New Research on How Babies Learn Two Languages

In a new study, an international team of researchers, including those from Princeton University, report that bilingual infants as young as 20 months of age are really good at processing two languages!

Top 25 ECE blogs from HiMama

Looking for craft ideas or physical and fine motor activities? Check out these blogs which were selected as the favourites of early childhood educators for 2017.