Child Development External Resources

How can we help kids develop physical literacy?

To be healthy, children need to move and be physically active. And it’s much more than physical health that comes with being active! Children who move are healthier, happier, and more successful in life. In our digital world, it can be challenging, but here's a simple "recipe" for getting kids moving every day!

The Power of Mirror Play for Infants and Toddlers

Mirrors are wonderful tools for engaging babies and toddlers. But what makes mirrors so intriguing and why should you hang one in your play space?

Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite

Biting is a typical behaviour often seen in infants, toddlers, and 2-year olds. As children mature, gain self-control, and develop problem-solving skills, they usually outgrow this behaviour. While not uncommon, biting can be an upsetting and potentially harmful behaviour. This article will help you to understand why some children bite and provide some ideas and strategies for responding appropriately.

INFOGRAPHIC: How Racism Can Affect Child Development

This infographic explains in basic terms how racism affects learning, behavior, and lifelong health. Let's start with a shared understanding so that we can work together toward creative strategies to address these long-standing inequities…

Trauma and Young Children: What Every Early Educator Needs to Know

Early Childhood Educators in every setting are becoming more aware of the presence of trauma and its wide-reaching effect on children. In this webinar, participants join one of the authors of “Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower,” to learn the basics of what trauma is and how it can affect children’s ability to learn and thrive. Most importantly, learn trauma sensitive strategies that you can use to support children and families.

20 Developmentally-Appropriate Activities for 6-9 Month Olds

Play is a powerful part of childhood development, and there are so many important developmental milestones during infancy. But it can sometimes be difficult to come up with ways to play with babies. Here are some play ideas for 6-9 month olds.

Choosing your words carefully…

Changing the way we speak to children is the first step in changing behaviour. When we teach children what to do instead of telling them what NOT to do, behaviour changes and relationships grow. Here's a list of common phrases used with children - along with suggestions for alternatives!

WEBINAR: Unpacking the Pyramid Model – A Practical Guide to Social Emotional Learning

In this powerful webinar, experts share their insights about the important relationship between social emotional skills and cognitive development. The session focuses on the Pyramid Model as a framework for promoting social emotional competence and preventing challenging behavior. Participants will also learn strategies and targeted intervention for children who need additional support in the development of self-regulation, friendship skills, emotional literacy, and problem-solving.

New Podcast: The Brain Architects

Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. From brain architecture to toxic stress to serve and return, The Brain Architects will explore what we can do during this incredibly important period to ensure that all children have a strong foundation for future development.

How does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?

Centre on the Developing Child has developed a helpful infographic that explains COVID-19 and how it relates to child development. They've also compiled a variety of resources on stress, resilience, and responding to the coronovirus.