Child Development External Resources

Positive Guidance Tools of the Trade: Encouragement vs. Judgment and Praise

It seems a simple thing to say that encouragement is one of the tools of positive guidance that will promote appropriate behaviour in children. But there are a few things to be mindful of. Read More

Children’s Mental Health

For help with understanding mental health issues, finding a directory of mental health services available in Ontario, or on line education and resources for a variety of mental health issues including resilience, the following websites offer a good overview. Children's Mental Health Ontario Mental Health First Aid Parents for Children’s Mental Health The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Infant Resources

Infant Resources

Growing Up in a New Land

This guide is for service providers who work with newcomer families who have children aged zero to six. It will help service providers understand the special needs of families that are new to Canada. The resources include programming suggestions. Growing Up in a New Land

Enhancing a sense of belonging in the early years

We invite our readers to reflect on how the theme of a sense of belonging relates to young children. After a conceptual overview by Martin Woodhead and Liz Brooker which philosophically roots the subject firmly in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, this edition of ECM goes on to include contributions from the field in Israel, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands, Mexico, Lebanon and Australia, together with an interview with Cameroonian academic A Bame Nsamenang and reflections on promoting a sense of belonging in the especially challenging circumstances of conflict zones and refugee camps. Enhancing a sense of belonging in the early years