Child Development External Resources

The Bilingual Advantage

A cognitive neuroscientist, Ellen Bialystok has spent almost 40 years learning about how bilingualism sharpens the mind. And she has good news! Read more...

Child Assessment and Diagnosis in Winnipeg

The Child Development Clinic (CDC) in Winnipeg provides assessment and referral support for preschool aged children who have a developmental, behaviour or physical disability. Find out more about what parents can do if they have a concern, and what will happen after a diagnosis here.

Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework

Manitoba is committed to supporting quality in early learning and child care (ELCC) programs. A key component is Early Returns: Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Preschool Centres and Nursery Schools. This curriculum framework supports staff at preschool centres and nursery schools to develop, describe and enhance their curriculum through child-centred care. This framework helps staff design playbased, developmentally appropriate interactions, relationships, environments and experiences to allow all children to develop to their fullest potential.

Centre on the Developing Child: Science of Early Childhood

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that early influences—whether positive or negative—are critical to the development of children’s brains and their lifelong health. This Centre on the Developing Child series addresses basic concepts of early childhood development, established over decades of neuroscience and behavioral research, which help illustrate why child development—particularly from birth to five years—is a foundation for a prosperous and sustainable society. Watch the videos and find out more here.

Best Start: On Track Guide

This guide provides professionals who work with young children and families with some indicators of healthy child development from birth to 6 years of age. It provides information and tools to assist each professional in his observation of the child and encourages professionals to connect children and their families to community resources and, if needed, to appropriate services.

Multilingual Health A-Z

In order to better meet the needs of families and health professionals, Hospital for Sick Kids has translated some of their core information about child health and family quality of life into a number of languages. Read more...

The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bond: Focus on Children in Poverty

Play is essential to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being of children beginning in early childhood. It is a natural tool for children to develop resiliency as they learn to cooperate, overcome challenges, and negotiate with others. Play also allows children to be creative. Read More

Gender Roles

The latest edition of the ANCIE Bulletin “Gender Roles” explores the gender gap and the influence of gender in actions, decisions, interactions and expectations of newcomer children and their families.  Read More

Communicating with Children: Principles and Practices to Nurture, Inspire, Educate and Heal

Quality communication can improve the lives of children. Unicef has developed a resource pack that facilitates the process of learning about the critical importance of communication that is age-appropriate and child-friendly, holistic, positive, strengths-based and inclusive. Read more

Connecting Children with Nature Action Kit

We know that finding ways to inspire children's love for the earth today will help them become tomorrow's generation of caring environmental stewards. The World Forum Foundation made a commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative to connect two million young children with nature in the next two years.  In order to attain this goal, they created this online Connecting Children with Nature Environmental Action Kit