Child Development

Harvard Centre on the Developing Child – Resilience Series

These three short videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops and how to strengthen children’s capacity for resilience.

Best Practices for Guiding Children’s Behaviour

Healthy Child Manitoba has developed a guide is for early learning and child care staff and family child care providers. It provides effective ways to guide behaviours and enhance the social and emotional well-being of all children in your care. The strategies described are research-based and can help all children, not just those experiencing difficulties!

New Research on How Babies Learn Two Languages

In a new study, an international team of researchers, including those from Princeton University, report that bilingual infants as young as 20 months of age are really good at processing two languages!

Top 25 ECE blogs from HiMama

Looking for craft ideas or physical and fine motor activities? Check out these blogs which were selected as the favourites of early childhood educators for 2017.

Video: What is Challenging Behaviour?

Over 900,000 people have watched this quick video that explains the difference between behaviour that is difficult, but likely to improve, and behaviour that is challenging and likely to require intervention.

Quick Tip Video – Using Emotional Check-ins

In this 2-minute video, learn how and why to use emotional check-ins in your program!

Tips for Dealing With Challenging Behaviour

You may feel like you have tried every trick in the book when it comes to dealing with challenging behaviour in young children. Whether a child throws a fit, becomes aggressive or overly emotional, there are ways to assess and manage this difficult behavior. Read more...

Kids in Motion: Ideas for Active Play, Every Day

Babies, toddlers and preschoolers love to play and move. Kids in Motion is full of information about children's natural need to be active, ages and stages of development, and activity ideas for encouraging active play, every day.

The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Have you heard the astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another? Watch these clever lab experiments that show how 6-month-old babies listen and use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world.

3 Reasons Not to Wait to Assess Preschool DLLs with Special Needs

Have you ever wondered whether you should refer a newcomer child for help with a suspected special need? Sometimes we think we should wait, but this expert disagrees!