Child Development

Loose Parts

Loose Parts presented by Carolyn Hadcock

Start with Play

The Start with Play website is a wonderful resource for professionals and parents alike! It available in both French and English, and describes five areas of skill development in the early years. - For each one, it also provides links to the PEI Early Learning Framework and a resource article that is full of information and classroom ideas.

Why are bilingual toddlers better at problem solving?

Toddlers who already speak two languages are better than their peers at a particular kind of problem solving that requires knowing when it’s okay to change the rules, according to a new study. Read more...

Diversity and Equity in Early Childhood Training in Europe

In this guide, DECET makes the case that the current context of our society calls for inclusion and respect for diversity and equity for all children and families. Including diversity and equity issues requires changes in the role of the early childhood educator and as a consequence, changes in training approaches and courses.

How Does Learning Happen?

How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years is a professional learning resource guide about learning through relationships for those working with young children and families. It was developed by the Ontario Ministry of Education and is intended to support curriculum/program development in early years programs.

How Discrimination Impacts Children from Immigrant Families in the Early Years

Many children from immigrant families experience discrimination in school during their early, impressionable years. This report describes how discrimination in the early years can affect a child’s development, outlines the types of discrimination that young children of immigrants may experience, and concludes with recommendations that focus on training teachers, building relationships between schools and immigrant communities, and encouraging more varied, culturally sensitive learning experiences.

What factors influence how well an immigrant family functions?

Moving to a new country is a significant event in a child’s life. It is important to have a good understanding of the factors — both in the host society and in the immigrant family — that create opportunities, benefits, and difficulties in the development of immigrant children. Read more

How does culture shape child development?

Culture shapes experiences and influences children’s development. This topic aims to show how child development and culture are connected, how these influences manifest themselves, and the effects of cultural differences on children of immigrant families. Read more...

Why some children do well despite early adversity: Resilience Video Series

Reducing the effects of significant adversity on young children’s healthy development is critical to the progress and prosperity of any society. Yet not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate “resilience,” or an adaptive response to serious hardship. A better understanding of why some children do well despite early adversity is important because it can help us design policies and programs that help more children reach their full potential. These three videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops, and how to strengthen it in children.

Childcare Canada Resource and Research Unit

The Childcare Resource and Research Unit is an early childhood education and child care (ECEC) policy research institute with a mandate to further ECEC policy and programs in Canada. Here, you'll find online documents, information on policy, research and more...