
A Blueprint for Supporting Emergent Bilinguals in Your Program: Roma Chumak-Horbatsch’s Linguistically Appropriate Practice

At one time or another, all child care professionals in Canada—whether in a newcomer-focused program or not—will likely look after non-English speaking children. Read More

CSA: Playground Safety

National Safety Council: Playground Safety

Parachute Canada: Playground Standards

Parent Guide to Immunization

Provincial Immunization Schedules

Creating a Welcoming Program for Newcomer Children

After the trauma of fleeing their home country, refugee families need safe and stable environments. To create this kind of “safe haven”, programs can develop a space where children can hear English but are not pushed to use it, and where they can observe activities and are encouraged to join in but are not required to. Learn about the many other things you can do to reduce stress and help ease this difficult transition for families.

Making Room for Diversity in Your Program: Q&A with Valerie Rhomberg

When you walk into a program that cares for newcomer children, it is common to see multiple cultures and languages represented in the physical child care environment, as well as through the people in it: the staff, the children and their families. Multiculturalism is supported and embraced in countless ways. But what about diversity? Isn’t it just another word for multiculturalism? Not necessarily, according to Valerie Rhomberg, Manager of Academic Programs at Mothercraft College and co-author of "The Affective Curriculum: Teaching the Anti-bias Approach to Young Children". Read More

Multilingual Tipsheets

The Illinois Early Learning Project website is a source of information on early care and education for parents, caregivers, and teachers of young children. Here you will find 171 tipsheets that are available in different languages.

Make, Experiment, and Explore With Kids

Creative Experiments for Kids: Tinkerlab is an award-winning site that shares kid-friendly projects and ideas that exist at the intersection of art and science. Read More