
Early Child Development Kit: A Treasure Box of Activities

Giving time for and helping children play during times of stress is one of the most important things you can do.This kit of activities was created to help you help young children continue to develop their skills for thinking, speaking, and interacting with people and things even when times are very difficult.

International Children’s Library

As families immigrate, it may be difficult, if not impossible, to find children's books from their cultures and in their mother tongue. The International Children's Digital Library Foundation (ICDL Foundation) supports the world's children by making the best in children's literature available online free of charge. The Foundation has built a digital library of outstanding children's books from around the world.

How to Connect Families with Special Needs Support

Your CNC team’s support can play an essential role in connecting newcomer children with special needs and their families to life-changing support and early intervention. Families are often more likely to talk to another professional if they are introduced by someone they know and trust; but haring concerns can still be challenging. Because your team already has the connection and relationship with the families, it’s important to learn about resources, supports and services that are available in your community and to develop connections. Find out how in this tip sheet, which is available in English and French.

Providing Quality Newcomer Infant Care

The early years are a period of growth and opportunity for children, but they are also a time when children are most vulnerable to harm! This tip sheet examines how to make health and safety your top priorities, support families with sensitivity and understanding, provide culturally-sensitive care, and value diverse parenting practices.

Preparing the Children of Immigrants for Early Academic Success

>A report published by The Migration Policy Institute shows findings that overall, the children of Immigrants in the U.S. do better than expected in the educational system, given the many disadvantages that they face. Yet the transition into elementary school may be a relatively challenging time for them and, as such, a critical point of intervention. Read the full report, view or listen to the recorded session(s) of the MPI policy symposium where this paper was presented in January 2013.


View or listen to the recorded session(s)

Multilingual Health A-Z

In order to better meet the needs of families and health professionals, Hospital for Sick Kids has translated some of their core information about child health and family quality of life into a number of languages. Read more...

Help children learn through play

The Early Childhood Development Association of PEI has put together these beautiful resources on how children learn about the world around them and develop skills that will help them to grow and thrive. Read more

Helping You Meet the Requirements: Supporting Dual Language Learning

As an adult, you understand how speaking multiple languages can be an asset—both in the work force and in everyday life. That’s why it is so important for immigrant children to keep their mother tongues…and for you to integrate their languages, where possible, into your program. Read more

For Newcomer Parents with Teens

Most families leaving their home country and starting life in a new country feel sadness and grief mixed with a sense of hope and excitement about the future. When families work together, they can support each other and achieve more than if they just work alone.

Helping You Meet the Requirements: Supporting Newcomer Children With Special Needs

It is important to meet the needs of all children, but early intervention is particularly critical for a child with special needs. This article will explain how you can support these families…and meet CNC requirements.