
How Social-Emotional Learning Can Help Challenging Behaviour

Teaching social-emotional skills is an effective strategy for managing and reducing challenging behavior. Fortunately, teaching social-emotional learning (SEL) skills doesn’t mean singling out children- integrating SEL concepts into your programming and daily routines can benefit all children! Here are a few ideas for managing challenging behavior by introducing opportunities for social-emotional learning.

NEW! Eat Right Be Active Booklets

We all want children to grow up healthy and feeling great- and these booklets can help! They are full of everyday ideas that busy parents and caregivers can put into action so toddlers, preschoolers, and school-agers can eat well and be active.

Tips for providing opportunities for mastery and success for young refugee children

English: Tips for providing opportunities for mastery and success for young refugee children
French: Conseils pour fournir aux jeunes enfants réfugiés des occasions de maîtriser leurs habiletés et d’avoir du succès

Tips for creating a safe space for refugee families

English: Tips for creating a safe space for refugee families
French: Comment créer un endroit sécuritaire pour les familles réfugiées

Tips for helping refugee children understand and manage big feelings and challenging behaviours

English: Tips for helping refugee children understand and manage big feelings and challenging behaviours
French: Conseils pour aider les enfants réfugiés à comprendre et à gérer leurs émotions fortes et leurs comportements difficiles

20 Strategies for Building Resilience in Children (Backed by Science)

This article succinctly describes 20 practical and powerful strategies for promoting resilience in your program.

Harvard Centre on the Developing Child – Resilience Series

These three short videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops and how to strengthen children’s capacity for resilience.

30 Games and Activities for Self-Regulation

These 30 games and activities support planning and problem solving, memory, attention, motor control and sequencing. They’re a great way to introduce self-regulation strategies to kids!

Children’s Storybooks that Promote Resilience

Reaching In Reaching Out has a list of English and French storybooks that illustrate resilient thinking and coping in action- and promote cultural competence too!  Each book is annotated and categorized by the resiliency abilities it supports.

Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation website offers live webinars and access to training that provide a framework to foster self-regulation and emotional control.