
Learn how to better engage diverse families in your program!

All parents want the best for their children, and there are plenty of creative ways to support parent involvement in early childhood programs. The McCormick Center has a collection of resources, training and ideas to help you engage diverse families in your program!

Refrigerate Right – Tips for Storing Food Safely

Did you know that it’s important to cover and place the food in a way that helps to keep it from getting cross-contaminated with drippings or juices from other foods when you store food in a refrigerator? Here's how...

Addressing Challenging Behaviours

Whether a child hits others, uses inappropriate language, or throws a tantrum, all educators have to address challenging behaviours in the classroom. Learn more about how focusing on prevention, social-emotional learning and self-regulation tools can help.

New Online Tutorial: How Your Early Learning Environment Impacts Behaviour

Did you know that having a well-thought out space can be like having an extra adult there to help guide children's behaviour and 'show them the way'? The How Your Early Learning Environment Impacts Behaviour tutorial explores how the early learning environments that we provide for newcomer children can either work for, or against us! Find out more about how the elements of time, space and energy can be used to provide indirect guidance and generally improve the flow of your CNC program. To facilitate your own team training, the tutorial includes a facilitator guide and group discussion questions.

Five Wellness Lessons From A Toddler

In the wake of World Mental Health day, the amount of stress in our modern day lives is obvious. And while stress itself is not considered a mental health problem, it often leads to depression and anxiety, which are the most common mental health issues. Yet there’s a natural source of inspiration – and even stress relief – in our lives that we may just have overlooked. The average toddler expresses qualities we have long since abandoned due to overwhelming ‘busy’-ness. Here’s five things that come naturally to toddlers that we can use to improve our general well-being!  

A letter to early educators working with refugee children

There seems to be a lot of talk about politics. But not enough talking about you, the early childhood educator. You are very important. In the language of resilience research, you are a most valuable protective factor. You are giving children hope that good adults can look out for them. You are letting them control their confusing world by allowing them to play and learn.

Keeping home languages alive key to English success for newcomer kids

A language workshop for parents in northeast Calgary is highlighting the many benefits of keeping home languages alive and encouraging parents to pass on their spoken language to their kids.

Kids’ Health Information for Parents in Different Languages!

To reach optimal physical health and mental well-being, children need to: get enough sleep; make healthy food and drink choices; be more active; and limit the time they spend in front of screens. Kids' Health pamphlets are available in 22 languages to help parents and caregivers.

Checklist: Planning for a Multicultural Child Care Environment

Use this helpful checklist for planning a multicultural child care environment to see how your program is doing, and identify areas for improvements!

Helping Children Cope With Anger

All human beings experience anger. But children, in particular, have difficulty channeling their strong emotions into acceptable outlets. Anger is often a reaction to feeling misunderstood, frustrated, hurt, rejected or ashamed. Here are some helpful tips for helping children cope with anger.