
How to help young kids cope with the trauma of the last year

5 Ways Immigrant Parents Support Children’s Home Language Learning

It is important to preserve and develop a child’s home language for their cultural, linguistic, and social development. Yet, languages other than English are often not welcomed or encouraged the way they should be in classrooms. Here are 5 important ways that immigrant parents pass along their important linguistic, cultural, and social knowledge to support children's home language learning.

6 Active Games Kids Can Play With a Pair of Socks

Are you looking for fun physical activities that kids can do at home? Here are 6 simple games with sock balls that kids can play indoors with limited space and “equipment”—including single-player games kids can enjoy even when a parent or sibling isn’t able to join them.

Free Picture Book Shares First-Time Experiences of Immigrant Children in Canada

New Canadians Centre in Peterborough has published a new children’s picture book that shares the experiences of immigrant children when they arrive in Canada - and it's available online in 7 languages! Written and illustrated by Peterborough artist Casandra Lee (herself a recent immigrant), Building A Home was inspired by the stories of six local newcomer children — including learning English, going to school, visiting large supermarkets, experiencing winter and snow, eating pizza, and more.

Shifting How We Manage Challenging Behaviours: Try Viewing Behaviour in a New Light

When you look at challenging behavior as an indication of the skills children still need to build, you can move from constantly reacting to behaviors to identifying missing skills and intentionally working with children to strengthen these skills. Here are a few different ways that we can look at challenging behaviors that might shed new light on what we see in our programs.

Preventing and responding to children’s exposure to intimate partner violence

The risks of intimate partner violence intensified due to the pandemic context. The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development has launched an infographic summarizing the latest knowledge on the consequences associated with children’s exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) and on ways to mitigate and avoid them. We invite you to share this infographic with your networks, as we all work together to put in place, as quickly as possible, the most promising interventions to reduce the distress and hardship of domestic violence.

25 Ways to Have Big Fun in Small Spaces

Small spaces don’t have to equal small fun! Here's a list of 25 ideas to share with parents to help them get the kids moving in small spaces.

200+ activities ideas you can do at home with kids

Many programs across the country are closed in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, and kids are staying home due to the pandemic. Thankfully, learning doesn’t only happen in classrooms. Even while social distancing or self-isolating, children can keep on learning through play, using active games to keep them moving and learning at home. Here is a helpful article and list of over 200 activities ideas you can share with families to help them stay active at home!

Multilingual stories for children

StoryWeaver and Reads have lovely digital collections of multilingual stories for you to share!

Choosing your words carefully…

Changing the way we speak to children is the first step in changing behaviour. When we teach children what to do instead of telling them what NOT to do, behaviour changes and relationships grow. Here's a list of common phrases used with children - along with suggestions for alternatives!