
Videos to share with parents

Parenting can be hard - but you can support the parents in your program by providing them with information and tools to help them feel successful! These simple videos for parents of preschoolers have tips from other parents, show ideas in action and are available in both English and French.

Let’s celebrate parents!

The Global Day of Parents provides an opportunity to appreciate all parents in all parts of the world for their selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship.

211 is your connection to information and services

Pass it along to your clients... 211 is Canada's telephone help line (2-1-1) and website - a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services. 211 helps to navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 100 languages!

Healthy Families BC: Pregnancy and Parenting

Healthy Families BC has helpful tips and tools for parents with babies and toddlers. The website covers all areas of social, emotional and physical development, as well as building healthy relationships and positive parenting.

Newcomer Parents Share the Challenges they Face

Even though CNC is only in its second year of operation, CMAS wanted to hear from newcomer parents and get a deeper understanding of the challenges they face. How were they coping after migrating to a new country with young children? Were the CNC services helping? Read more...

Newcomer Parents Speak Out On CNC – Unveiling Some Surprising Results!

To better understand how parents feel about the care their children receive, CMAS designed and conducted an evaluation. Read more...

For Newcomer Parents with Teens

Most families leaving their home country and starting life in a new country feel sadness and grief mixed with a sense of hope and excitement about the future. When families work together, they can support each other and achieve more than if they just work alone.

Growing Up in a New Land – A Guide for Newcomer Parents

The Best Start Resource Centre has announced the publication of a new booklet for parents of children 0-6 titled Growing Up in a New Land - A Guide for Newcomer Parents. This booklet contains information on: support for parents, parenting in Canada, keeping your child healthy and safe, taking care of yourself as parents and additional services for newcomer parents. Paper copies of the booklet can also be ordered at $1.25 each.

Multilingual Tipsheets

The Illinois Early Learning Project website is a source of information on early care and education for parents, caregivers, and teachers of young children. Here you will find 171 tipsheets that are available in different languages.

Free Multilingual Resources!

The Best Start Resource Centre offers multilingual resources for parents in their home language. Languages available include: Arabic, Filipino, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Tamil and Urdu. The resource “You and your baby…” is also available in two Aboriginal languages. You can download the resources online at: Programs can also order print versions of these resources in languages other than English and French. The Best Start Resource Centre will consider special requests from registered charitable organizations who may have funding limitations.