Child Development

30 Games and Activities for Self-Regulation

These 30 games and activities support planning and problem solving, memory, attention, motor control and sequencing. They’re a great way to introduce self-regulation strategies to kids!

Children’s Storybooks that Promote Resilience

Reaching In Reaching Out has a list of English and French storybooks that illustrate resilient thinking and coping in action- and promote cultural competence too!  Each book is annotated and categorized by the resiliency abilities it supports.

New Research on How Babies Learn Two Languages

In a new study, an international team of researchers, including those from Princeton University, report that bilingual infants as young as 20 months of age are really good at processing two languages!

ConnectABILITY – Special needs resources for parents and caregivers

Developed by Community Living Toronto, ConnectABILITY is a site full of helpful tips, tools and resources for parents and caregivers of children with special needs.

How does being bilingual benefit children?

In the era of globalization, learning a second language during childhood can provide developmental and social benefits. This topic aims to further understanding of the impacts of bilingualism on children’s cognitive development and suggests the most favourable learning contexts. Read more.

Healthy Families BC: Pregnancy and Parenting

Healthy Families BC has helpful tips and tools for parents with babies and toddlers. The website covers all areas of social, emotional and physical development, as well as building healthy relationships and positive parenting.

Keep Your First Language – Multilingual Resource for Parents!

Children need to learn their first language well. Research shows that learning more than one language in early childhood can really help. Keep Your First Language is available in 8 languages! You can also find other useful Vancouver Coastal Health resources here!

Child Assessment and Diagnosis in Winnipeg

The Child Development Clinic (CDC) in Winnipeg provides assessment and referral support for preschool aged children who have a developmental, behaviour or physical disability. Find out more about what parents can do if they have a concern, and what will happen after a diagnosis here.

Understanding Sensory Issues in Young Children: The Importance of Sensory Integration

Watch this video to gain an understanding of sensory integration. This video uses animation to provide information about: the 7 senses, how individuals use sensory information, and possible signs of sensory integration issues. Visit for more information, including a sensory integration checklist useful for checking any possible sensory issues in children.

Does My Child Have A Sensory Issue?

Watch this video to learn about possible signs of sensory integration issues. This video shows an expert panel of health professionals discussing how sensory integration or sensory processing affects children and the real-life stories of parents of children with sensory issues.