
Podcast: Avoiding Challenging Behaviour Through Movement and Play

In this Preschool and Beyond podcast Rae Pica discusses why children need to move and play, and the positive effects they have on learning and behavior.

How does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?

Centre on the Developing Child has developed a helpful infographic that explains COVID-19 and how it relates to child development. They've also compiled a variety of resources on stress, resilience, and responding to the coronovirus.

The Ultimate List of Fun Picture Books

This article is written for parents, but it includes a fun list of 48 engaging picture books that are always a hit at storytime!

Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use Support

COVID-19 has placed a tremendous strain on individuals and families across the country. Many people are concerned about their physical and mental well being. Canadians are being challenged in a number of ways because of isolation, financial and employment uncertainty and disruptions to daily life. Wellness Together Canada provides tools and resources you can share with families to help, including modules for addressing low mood, worry, substance use, social isolation and relationship issues.

Multilingual video series: Parenting Through COVID-19

These are challenging times, for children, for parents, for teachers. For all of us. Roots of Empathy has developed a series of mental health and well-being videos designed for parents of elementary school children. The videos are available in 18 languages, including six Indigenous languages.

New WHO Story Book Helps Explain COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic to Children

The World Health Organization has partnered with over 50 humanitarian organizations to release a children’s storybook to help them understand and cope with all the changes and fears they’re enduring due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The free book, available in downloadable and audio forms, is called My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!

COVID-19: Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers

COVID-19 has impacted our world and families in so many ways, and most have experienced a significant increase in stress. When parents and caregivers take time daily to recharge, they feel better and can pass along a sense of calm and wellbeing to the children. In light of recent events, here are some self-care practices and questions for parents and caregivers that might help them find balance between stress and coping.

24/7 parenting resources in 70 languages

Looking for helpful tips for parents in different languages? Parenting for Lifelong Health has worked with leading organizations like WHO, Unicef and Centers for Disease Control to develop free online parenting resources during COVID-19.

8 tips for managing children’s anxiety about COVID-19

Many families are facing major changes in their day-to-day lives because of COVID-19. With all the unknowns that come with a new virus, it's normal to feel anxious. Here are 8 tips for managing children's anxiety about COVID-19, complete with a simple visual that you can share with parents.

Multilingual Parenting Tips for Uncertain Times

In the coming weeks, many families will find the stresses of full time parenting and staying inside with children to be a significant challenge. Triple P- Positive Parenting Program has developed two resources to help. 10 Tips for Parenting in Uncertain Times is now available in Arabic, Dutch, English, German and Spanish. Parenting During COVID-19 is also available in English and French.