
Activities to Promote Preschool Cognitive Development

Preschoolers are eager to learn how the world works, and the best way for them to learn at this age is through play. But not all preschool cognitive development activities are created equal! If you’re wondering how to help the children in your CNC program improve their cognitive skills, here are some examples of activities to incorporate into your daily routine to promote preschool cognitive development.

What Is Early Childhood Development? A Guide to the Science

Healthy development in the early years (particularly birth to three) provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. What can we do during this incredibly important period to ensure that children have a strong foundation for future development? The Center on the Developing Child created this Guide to Early Childhood Development (ECD) to help parents, caregivers, practitioners, and policymakers understand the importance of early childhood development and learn how to support children and families during this critical stage.

New National Program to Help Newcomers Navigate Paediatric Healthcare

Immigration officials have picked the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario to create a new national network to help newcomers to Canada overcome linguistic and cultural hurdles to care and understand our health system. A nationwide Newcomer Navigator Network aims to ensure standardized service delivery by health-care organizations serving both children and adults and by workers helping newcomers.

Spaghetti & Meatballs….A Fine Motor Toddler Twist!

Spaghetti and meatballs is a new toddler game that offers opportunities to practice fine motor skills, balance, coordination and a little gross motor play all at the same time!

CNC in Action: A Small Gesture Makes a Big Impact on Newcomers

When Syrian refugees arrived in our nation’s capital a few years ago, Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO) was a first stop for many families. At the centre’s CNC program, a special welcome was waiting for the children in the form of a beautiful wordless book. The award-winning Sidewalk Flowers, by JonArno Lawson and Sydney Smith, pays tribute to the importance of small things, small people, and small gestures. And, this small gesture has made a big impact on the newcomers—both young and old.

How to invite dramatic play using prop boxes

Setting up activities and spaces for young children to encourage and invite dramatic play with prop boxes doesn’t need to be expensive, complicated or time consuming. Simple works best when it comes to playful learning opportunities!

Communication is Key: Quick Tip Sheet

The Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation has developed this great tip sheet and reminder of how important is for us to choose our words carefully when we're communicating with young children in our CNC programs!

A Guide to Executive Function

Executive function and self-regulation skills are like an air traffic control system in the brain—they help us manage information, make decisions, and plan ahead. We need these skills at every stage of life, and while no one is born with them, we are all born with the potential to develop them. But, how do we do that? Here's a Guide to Executive Function to walk you through everything you need to know about these skills and how to develop and practice them.

Safe Kids Week 2019

Parachute Safe Kids Week 2019 takes place June 3 to 9, with community events across Canada. This year our messaging focuses on the topic of preventing harm from children’s falls in the home and at play.

Are you planning a summer school-age program?

School-age children have different needs and interests than their younger siblings - and it can be challenging to find activities and ideas to keep everyone engaged and having fun during summer months. Here are some resources to help: A Collection of 100 Outstanding Summer Camp Program Ideas and 101 Summer Activities for Kids. And we'd love to hear about your summer school-age program... if you try any of the ideas, take some photos and share them with us here!