
Instructional Resource: Early Language Learning for Newcomer Mothers with Young Children

The Early Language Learning Curriculum (ELL) was originally designed for use with a HIPPY program for newcomer moms in BC, but can stand alone as a language class or be used to support conversation circles or tutoring. ELL covers 12 key settlement topics such as Knowing Your Community, Settlement and Community Services, Physical and Mental Health, Financial Literacy, and Canadian Parenting norms. Newcomers work toward informal skill-using tasks, build confidence, learn about key resources in the community, and break the cycle of isolation surrounding immigrants and refugees with low levels of English so they are more ready for structured LINC learning when their personal circumstances allow.

Paint Your Plate: A Toolkit for Encouraging Healthy Eating in CNC

Early learning settings are a great place to encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruit. Here's a toolkit and practical guide full of information about menu planning, healthy eating, supporting families, recipes and more!

Reconciliation and Indigenous Pedagogies in Early Learning and Child Care: Part 3 – Exploring Indigenous Pedagogies Connected to Experiential Learning in Relations to Mother Earth

CMAS is pleased to present part 3 of this three-part webinar series. 

There are many values, traditions and experiences that Indigenous children gain from being on the land and grounded in experiential learning that is connected to Mother Earth. In this third and final webinar, Elder Brenda Mason and Lori Huston, RECE share the Indigenous relational teachings with connections to being, spirit and land.

5 Strategies for Supporting Multilingual Children in Your Program

Multilingualism is an asset to be nurtured in our programs. Here are five strategies for celebrating and extending the linguistic expertise of young children who speak two or more languages.

Intentional Inclusion For Multicultural Classrooms

In this episode of the preschool podcast, HiMama chats with K’Sandra Earle, Associate Director of Early Learning Neighbourhood Collective (ELNC), about how to be intentional about diversity in early learning classrooms. K'Sandra shares tips on empowering teachers and involving parents to create a space that celebrates young children and their unique cultural backgrounds.

Extending Block Play for Early Learning

There is absolutely no wrong or right way to play with blocks! Every child is unique in the way that they choose to approach materials and blocks can be such a valuable tool to encourage open ended play and learning. This mini guide provides ideas and inspiration for block play, and even has a suggested block play materials list.

Reconciliation and Indigenous Pedagogies in Early Learning and Child Care: Part 2 – Awakening and Coming to Know Indigenous Pedagogies in Early Learning

CMAS is pleased to present part 2 of this three-part webinar series.  

Indigenous knowledge is a knowledge system that is different from Eurocentric knowledge – it is closely tied to space. In part two of this webinar series, Elder Brenda Mason and Lori Huston, RECE share teaching and learning processes that are holistic and narrative-based. Stories are a primary medium for conveying Indigenous knowledge, so in this webinar, participants will hear stories about the Indigenous child, family, and community’s traditional roles that support Indigenous children in early learning programs.

WEBINAR: Using Routines to Help Children Adjust After COVID Closures and Other Disruptions

In this webinar, participants will learn practical strategies to help children readjust to attending early childhood programs after COVID-19. In this strategy packed webinar, an experienced play therapist and child psychologist shares the importance of structured daily routines to smooth transitions. He will also provide some ideas for play-based interaction skills that can empower children with a perceived loss of control that children often experience during major life changes.

The Power of Mirror Play for Infants and Toddlers

Mirrors are wonderful tools for engaging babies and toddlers. But what makes mirrors so intriguing and why should you hang one in your play space?

WEBINAR: Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts

Join co-author of the award-winning books, Loose Parts: Inspiring Play for this webinar full of tips for choosing and setting up loose parts for children in your program! Participants will learn the value of loose parts in play, how to choose loose parts using different lenses for different learning goals, and how to set provocations that promote inquiry.