News Item

Measles Outbreak: Is your CNC program ready?

With the recent measles outbreak, it’s a good opportunity to review policies and procedures to ensure that you are meeting requirements and following public health expectations. Do you continue to provide information to parents about immunization? Do you understand public health expectations for documenting children’s immunization and developing an exclusion plan? Canada Public Health has weekly monitoring reports on measles and a parent's guide to immunization. HealthLinkBC also has multilingual information about vaccination that you can share with parents. Contact your local public health office for more information.

Training in Peel: Mental Health First Aid

Learn how to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health problems, provide initial help, and guide a person towards professional help. This 2-day training is for frontline staff working with newcomers in the settlement sector.

Introducing StoryMaking into your CNC Program

StoryMaking provides opportunities for children and families to play and learn together. It can lead to increased vocabulary; development of agency; opportunities for character building; the discovery of identities (author, maker, artist, etc.); learning by engaging in the practices of making; all while immersing in play and having fun!

Sick with the flu: Helpful visuals for parents

When children display symptoms of the flu, parents are often unsure when they should call the doctor or when to take their child to the hospital. Children with the flu can typically be treated at home with rest and fluids. A trip to the emergency room (ER) should not be necessary for most cases of the flu. However, there are certain warning signs parents can watch for to know when to seek medical attention.

Open-Ended Art: Setting Up for Success

Open-ended art is defined as an art activity where children are free to use their imagination as they explore a variety of materials without a planned idea of what the final project will look like. This usually takes place in the form of an art centre where children have large blocks of uninterrupted time to explore art materials and create projects at their own pace. However, when children have free access to an art centre, teachers may be challenged by mess and waste. The key is setting up the environment for success.

VIDEO: What is “Self-Reg”?

Have you ever wondered what it means when someone talks about "Self-Reg"? Here's a 1-minute video that explains Self-Reg: A 5-step method for reducing stress.

A call for action: Increasing the mental health outcomes of our educators

Being an early childhood educator comes with a responsibility to inspire, cherish, provoke and entice deep learning processes in the children we care for and educate. With so much responsibility and emphasis on the importance of quality in early childhood programming, it is no wonder that educator mental health topics are coming up more often. It's time to put some thought into how you're going to support your positive mental health and wellbeing this year!

Updated guidelines for introduction of common allergenic foods to infants

According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, for high-risk infants (and based on developmental readiness) it's best to introduce common allergenic solids at around 6 months of age, but not before an infant is 4 months of age.

New Online Tutorial: 3 Simple Visuals For Every CNC Program

Young children are naturally visual learners as they observe, imitate and learn to read body language. For newcomer children, visual cues can be even more important - especially if you don't have a shared language!
In the 3 Simple Visuals for CNC tutorial, we'll review the three simple visuals that are essential in every Care for Newcomer Children program.

CNC in Action: Experience Matters When Creating a New CNC Space

When a program needed to open a new CNC space to meet demand, it presented an exciting opportunity for the child care team. However, the process was not without its challenges. Equipped with a vision for the project and lots of experience—not to mention a little help from CMAS—everything came together to create a beautiful and functional space.