News Item

Podcast: Avoiding Challenging Behaviour Through Movement and Play

In this Preschool and Beyond podcast Rae Pica discusses why children need to move and play, and the positive effects they have on learning and behavior.

How does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?

Centre on the Developing Child has developed a helpful infographic that explains COVID-19 and how it relates to child development. They've also compiled a variety of resources on stress, resilience, and responding to the coronovirus.

New Webinar Series! Leadership for Change: Collaborative Conversations

Redleaf Press has a new webinar series on leadership in times of uncertainty. The sessions will be an opportunity for collaborative conversations, to ask questions of our experts, learn from and energize each other. Topics include: collaboration in the time of remote work, stepping into leadership roles, leading when the future seems uncertain, and leading and managing teams remotely. Each session will be 30-minutes, and you can submit your questions about leadership during COVID-19 ahead of time!

From Surviving to Thriving: Video Series

The COVID-19 pandemic has called all early childhood educators to muster our courage and strength like never before. Exchange Press, in collaboration with Hinge Early Education Brokers and Video Active Productions, has created this free video series. Each video has inspiration, support, and practical advice from experts to help you navigate the rough waters of this crisis.

The Ultimate List of Fun Picture Books

This article is written for parents, but it includes a fun list of 48 engaging picture books that are always a hit at storytime!

Stay, Play & Learn At Home

Stay, Play and Learn At Home is a new web page to share with families! It's a fun list of free, online programming and activities to help families stay active, stay engaged, have fun and learn new things while practicing physical distancing or self-isolating at home. There’s something in the listing for everyone - with dance, EarlyON centre programming, fitness, art, science, book clubs, live music, museum tours and so much more. The list of links will be updated regularly.

CMAS Webinar: Special Needs and Children’s Settlement

Each child and family comes to CNC with a unique set of strengths and needs. Many are learning a new language, dealing with change and loss, or even the trauma of forced migration. As one of the first points of contact here in Canada, CNC program staff are often uniquely positioned to support newcomer children’s settlement and development. In this new CMAS webinar, CMAS special needs consultant Shanda Burnett helps participants better recognize and understand settlement and developmental needs. She also talks about Individual Program Plans and how they help when a child needs extra support.

5 ways to support children’s remote learning

As ECEs look for ways to remain connected to families and support young children, many are considering or being asked to provide remote learning opportunities. There are lots of online resources suggesting activities to promote children’s learning at home, but less guidance is offered on how we can work with families remotely! Here are five recommendations for how you can support families while they're at home.

Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use Support

COVID-19 has placed a tremendous strain on individuals and families across the country. Many people are concerned about their physical and mental well being. Canadians are being challenged in a number of ways because of isolation, financial and employment uncertainty and disruptions to daily life. Wellness Together Canada provides tools and resources you can share with families to help, including modules for addressing low mood, worry, substance use, social isolation and relationship issues.

Multilingual video series: Parenting Through COVID-19

These are challenging times, for children, for parents, for teachers. For all of us. Roots of Empathy has developed a series of mental health and well-being videos designed for parents of elementary school children. The videos are available in 18 languages, including six Indigenous languages.