News Item

African Storybook

African Storybook provides open access to picture storybooks in the languages of Africa for children’s literacy, enjoyment and imagination. They have resources and tools for reading, translating stories and even making your own storybook!

Early Childhood Staff Evaluations The Fun & Effective Way (with Template)

Whether you’re leading a CNC team or interested in your own professional growth, taking some time to evaluate progress is key to delivering quality programming to the children and families we serve. Change your thinking about staff evaluations to help your CNC team be the best they can be!

5 Ways To Nurture Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a hot topic these days! And with so many different books and articles to choose from, it can be challenging to process all of the latest findings on EI, much less apply them to everyday life. Here's a quick overview of the research and 5 everyday strategies to help children grow their emotional intelligence in your CNC program.

Books & Tips for Talking With Children About Race

Talking to children about race isn't easy, but it is necessary because racism can thrive when you don’t. Before teaching your children anything, it's important to understand their development level. You have no reason to hide anything from them, but you also don’t have to go into great detail and cause unnecessary stress if it’s beyond their comprehension levels. Read more...

3 Ways to Help Families and Staff Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a source of unexpected stress and adversity for many people. Resilience can help us get through and overcome hardship, but it's not something we’re born with—it’s built over time. What can we do to help families and staff build up and strengthen resilience right now during the COVID-19 outbreak? And how can we build resilience to plan ahead for future times of crisis?

20 Canadian books to read for National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month. Celebrate by reading one of these books for young readers by First Nations, Métis and Inuit authors!

7 Interesting Benefits of Water Play

Water is an important natural material that provides hours of absorbing fun and a multitude of wonderful development and learning opportunities. Here, you'll discover the benefits of water play and tips to easily incorporate it into your day to day play schedule.

49 Fun Preschool Physical Activity Ideas

Children don’t just need a lot of movement, they also need a lot of variety of movement! So here's a list of 49 fun physical activities ideas that will help preschoolers get active and develop skills in a variety of ways.

Preparing for Re-Opening: The Administrator’s Role in Taking Control When Things Seem Out of Control

This webinar is an opportunity to hear about concrete strategies that can be implemented with little to no cost and will help you whether your program is currently shuttered or operating under new and changing guidelines. A wide variety of vetted resources will also be shared with participants.

Words That Help With Worries

Our words can hurt or our words can help. When kids worry, give them language to change their situations and outlooks, and to help keep worries at bay. Here's a list of words that can help children get past their worries.